I think that would be really nice. I know their is some really great tutorials here on polycount, but some times it's kinda hard to find what you'r looking for. What do you think? (:
That's what the wiki is for. Unfortunately it's hard to edit right now, because we're waiting on upgrading the wiki software until we migrate polycount to a new server. I've been trying to add as many links as possible in there, but I'm only one guy. http://wiki.polycount.net/
There's also the Archives section, have you looked in there?
I think once the wiki is up and running properly and with the right admins it'll be a really great resource for tuts/info.
I'm imagining when it's up the tutorials would be hosted on there properly and could all just follow a really basic template/guide to keep them in a similar fashion.
If you have to search the site, I'd recommend using google to search it rather than the polycount search
To be honest i had forgotten about the wiki. I really like the forum way of finding things so to say.. What about having a tutorial section so that people can "publish" their tuts and link to the wiki? And it could be a section for discussing tuts - asking for help when creating a tut.
I'm not lookking for any specific tutorial, i only whant to find a fast way of finding them
There is always cgtuts http://cg.tutsplus.com/ that contains a huge collection of tutorials. Maybe the new polycount wiki can adopt a similar approach / design. But this is definitely not a one man job!
EricChadwick you are doing a great job man.....if you need help when the new wiki starts, I will be happy to help
Becoming an editor on the wiki isn't too hard, just have to send a PM to Vito. Some people have expressed frustration at not getting access, but I haven't personally seen this. He's always been pretty quick in my experience. However if he doesn't get back to you after a couple days, let me know and I'll see what I can do to get you approved as an editor.
Vig: What, a web-based editor like -say- a Wiki?
If we can get permission from tutorial authors, we could put those tutorials up on the wiki, which might be nice. Especially since tutorials tend to become lost after a few years. A website update, someone forgetting to renew their url and bam, tutorial gone.
There's also the Archives section, have you looked in there?
What kind of tuts are you looking for?
Don't get me wrong Eric is doing a great job! But he can't control content on other sites.
I'm imagining when it's up the tutorials would be hosted on there properly and could all just follow a really basic template/guide to keep them in a similar fashion.
If you have to search the site, I'd recommend using google to search it rather than the polycount search
I'm not lookking for any specific tutorial, i only whant to find a fast way of finding them
EricChadwick you are doing a great job man.....if you need help when the new wiki starts, I will be happy to help
If we can get permission from tutorial authors, we could put those tutorials up on the wiki, which might be nice. Especially since tutorials tend to become lost after a few years. A website update, someone forgetting to renew their url and bam, tutorial gone.