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Ryzom is now open source

polycounter lvl 12
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Calabi polycounter lvl 12
I just heard on the grapevine that Ryzom an old MMORPG has gone benevolent or crazy and released all its stuff for free.

I played it for about half an hour appeared as derivative as the rest but with this you could make your own, or improve on it if you wanted.

All the art assets are free as well under the creative commons licences. I dont know exactly what that means but you at the least look at them to see how they are done, repaint, model for you own learning and amusement.


Art Resources.


  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    Woah; I tried out Ryzom twice, but by the time I tried it there weren't really many people playing and the combat was still boring to me so I gave up on it. The crafting and custom quest-building are supposed to be really cool though, so this could be a good jumping-off point for people.
  • ultramedia
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    ultramedia polycounter lvl 11
    When looking at stuff like this the first thing I look for is documentation and tutorials, unfortunately for Ryzom there doesn't appear to be anything more than three or four short pages?
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