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The Art Analysis Project Proposal Thread

polycounter lvl 18
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killingpeople polycounter lvl 18

The last few weeks or so, an idea has been reappearing in my mind. I'm not convinced it would be worth the effort to tackle, but it sounds like something that would be really interesting to play with.

I don't feel I'm motivated enough to actually follow through and want to evolve the idea further. I have other stuff I'd rather think about. I figure, why the hell not just spit it at polycount in hopes for a little inspiration and think-tanking would occur.

I've been interested in exploring different ways of viewing and deconstructing artwork lately. The idea came one day, "it'd be interesting to have a number of photoshop actions that created a number of different viewing lenses that hoped to serve as a systematic means of deconstructing and analyzing an image"
Some of these lenses might turn an image grayscale, separate the high, mid, and low values so one could look at them individually.

One way of viewing an image might be to flip it horizontally, or blur the image to see the larger shapes, much like traditional painters do.

Another lens or action might extract just the warm and cool colors or even the saturation from an image so they could be viewed and analyzed separately.

I think it'd be cool to have one that translates an image into how different types of color blind or deficient peeps see an image.

An action that would overlay a number of common compositional guides no matter the image size.
Basically, it seemed like an idea best suited for a group to create. It's a daunting experimental task.

In this thread, just ideas, no work. I'd like to hear feedback on this idea, interesting or sucks, and if you have some ideas for a lens, or a trick you like to use to view an image you're deconstructing or creating, throw it out, I'd love to hear about it.

If there is enough interest, a new thread will be made with the focus of collecting and creating the actions we think up in here.

I'd love it if I could motivate a group of people to contribute by helping think up and create these actions so we can neatly bundle up the most useful and best ones, and use them to better understand and create our art.

In this thread, I'd like it for people to evolve the idea and offer up ideas for actions they think might be useful.

My greeting draws a smile.


  • rasmus
    So, er, how exactly would it be valuable to scrutinize every element of an image separately in order to determine the quality of the whole?
  • bbob
    because sometimes you can lose yourself in details and "forget" the composition of elements of various shades, saturations and so forth.

    What I like to do, when I wanna analyze an image, be it my own or someone else's, is to apply the dust & scratches filter with a threshold on 0. This blurs the details and keeps the outlines crisp. Then do whatever jazz to it to find out what I'm curious about..
  • sebas
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    sebas polycounter lvl 14
    I like that concept of 'lenses':
    Non-destructive filters that overlay your work with real time values and the possibility to save the several results.
  • jakelear
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    jakelear polycounter lvl 14
    Great idea, in my opinion.
    A lens that would help to see the big shapes would be great. Could likely be achieved with curves and contrast. (+ desaturation)

    Most of the time, starting a painting or drawing, we block in the big shapes first to make sure the composition works, then get into detail. But when building a scene or composition out of multiple models, you can block in the shapes, but the final models might have such different shapes that the overall composition changes, so being able to rapidly check the composition as you go would be helpful.

    Cool idea, kp.
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