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Industry Giants Dallas ( June 12th-13th )

polycounter lvl 18
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Spark polycounter lvl 18
Hey guy's, I wanted to post an event that is upcoming here in Dallas ( get your tickets!!! ), so hopefully a few of you can make it out. Here is the poster that gives you a bit more of the information on who is speaking and such.




  • penrod
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    penrod polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, this is awesome. If you guys have not seen Michael Mentler's work check it out:


    He has had an ongoing thread on conceptart.org called bonehead nation...really awesome work.

    Brett lets see some pics of that background image. That has your name written all over it!
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Penrod, will do on the shots as soon as I can, and yeah watching how Mentler goes about things is price enough to watch. Well since alot of people didn't respond, I thought I would bump my own thread :P and suggest a polycount meetup as well! As hopefully the idea of beer and food will help get a few of you guy's to the event:) Haha, if anyone is interested let me know and we can figure out a place to get together.

  • Zamolxis
    Mr. Mentler is indeed a master of anatomy. Along with the stellar roster I'm particularly interested in seeing Stephan Martiniere. His fantastical and versatile imagery has been an inspiration of mine for years. Can't wait to see what he has to say and maybe have an opportunity to bounce some ideas off of him. Thanks for posting this Brett! I'm there.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Ahh, so wish I could go...maybe next time? :P
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    can we get some more info on what is actually going to be covered?


    Guy Williams – Visual Effects Supervisor, Weta Digital - “The Making of Avatar and Creating the World of Pandora”
    David Schaub – Animation Director, Sony Pictures Imageworks - “The Making of Alice in Wonderland”
    Stephan Martiniere – Art Director, i.d. Software – “Creating Science Fiction and Fantasy in Today’s Entertainment”
    Jeff Dates – Visual Effects/CG Supervisor, The Mill NY – “Breaking Down the World of Commercial Production”
    Joseph Gilland – Artist, Author of Elemental Magic - “The Alchemy of Elemental Magic”
    Rita Street – President, Radar Cartoons - “Interviewing the Industry Giants”
    Paul Gaboury – Technical Director, Pixologic – “ZBrush Workflows”
    Dan Kuenster – Creative Director, i-Station – “The Basics of Storyboarding”
    Brad Gabe – Senior Technical Animator, Janimation – “Simulations in ICE (Softimage)”
    Johan and Norma Klingler – Animation Instructors, The Art Institute of Dallas – “From Storyboard to Production”
    Brad Clark – Co-Founder, RiggingMentor.com – “Bones to Animation”
    Mary Morgan – Actress, “Voiceover for Animation”
    Michael Mentler – Artist, The Dallas Figurative Arts Society – “Modern Life Drawing”
  • Nysuatro
    Can't this be in Belgium :( ?
  • Sean VanGorder
    Damn, I would love to see Paul Gaboury's talk.
  • Ryan Hawkins
    sXe Seany wrote: »
    Damn, I would love to see Paul Gaboury's talk.

    Paul is the man when it comes to talking :), what is he going to be covering Spark some 4 info or just general tips and tricks and problem solving?
  • KhAoZ
    Nysuatro wrote: »
    Can't this be in Belgium :( ?

    Yeah let's have the DALLAS industry giants in Belgium haha
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guy's thanks for some of the responses:) Was getting worried that no one would be interested!

    Zamolxis: Stephan is very open to talking about what he does, so feel free to stop by and talk to him, I think he will be at a table saturday selling his books and such, so try then.
    Gav: Ahh damn bud, wish you can make it..and next time for sure since I wont be making it to boston anytime soon.
    Jeremy: Haha, glad you found it.
    Nysuartro: Sorry about that, though I think Massive Black will be doing an event somewhere around Belgium, so keep an eye out.
    Aftermath: Paul will be hitting the range, but I think will be giving out alot of high end tips as he always throws at me...he is full of Zbrush info. ( a must masterclass for anyone working in Zbrush )
    KhAoZ: Hope you make it, since Houston is pretty close.

    Thanks for looking guy's, and seriously let me know about a polycount meetup!

  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Just a little reminder : IG is a week from now. Hopefully i get to see some of you there!
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guy's just popping this back to top to remind people about it, and hope to see a few of you there. Thanks for looking!

  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    I wish I could make it just to see Paul's Class. 6 Hours of driving is alot.
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