And they've totally broken a really awesome, unique game.
I dunno how many people play it here, but they added in all the typical FPS weapons, machinegun, railgun, smg, shotgun
And a grenade pistol?
railgun and machinegun btw, pretty much require you to be grounded or they're incredibly inaccurate. This sounds like a lame thing to bitch about, but SH's strong point is its full 3dimensional movement and floatyness... And they've added in weapons which oblige people to cling to a surface.
It feels totally different and a lot closer to your average crappy fps, plus the models are really half-assed.
Not only are the designs really plain and typical, but ingame there's noticable smoothing errors which players on this forum have probably already noticed.
It seems like a no brainer to me that such additions would totally destroy the game's style and turn it into something mediocre... Yet apparently the idea still got enough support for the devs to actually add it? Am I going insane or something? Like, is there any up-side to this whatsoever?
The reason I post here is because I figure the folk here are more interested in the design aspect and have a decent idea of what would and wouldn't work in a design, whereas places like the SH official forum or steam user forum is filled with retards who suggest death star maps and more guns and personal shields and ridiculous crap like that.
The game looked really cool and fun when it came out but it didn't make me want to buy it. And this is probably why they are updating it. To get more people buying and playing.
Did they add them in just to cater to their forum fans?
I played it once, when Steam had a free weekend going. I enjoyed it thoroughly, it took time to get accommodated to the movement, but a few games and you can already feel yourself more or less comfortable. Mastering of course takes much more time. I was
I sniped and was sniped across the entire map with zoom, so why the hell a railgun is being added? so you can snipe from so far away you're not even resolved on the screen? I'm a sniper type of guy but I don't see a point in this.
Pistols are redundant, when you have an assault rifle capable of doing everything you need.
Anyway, after I played the game I considered buying it for then-price 10.99 but I decided against because, frankly, I think I would stop playing it a week later. I didn't see much lasting fun with only a few maps. Which reminds me of something.
I would definitely buy the game, and I'm sure many more people would as well, if the game had any support for custom development. The zero-g core mechanic is there, your map possibilities are endless! For a short while after playing the game I even considered a mod for Source emulating the zero-g mechanic, but it wouldn't be the same.
you're right about those weapons, they look pretty generic
This was something i agreed very very strongly with, until i saw how much community support there was for non-canon maps such as death star or babylon 5 crap. I'd love custom maps, but not as much as i'd hate having to play on non-canon maps which dont fit the theme just because people thought they were cool.
Same with grenade pistol and melee weapon. They've actually removed zoom, grenade and bayonet functionality from the rifle. So it's just BF2 with no vehicles and 3d movement now (though two classes require you to make only limited use of this 3d movement)
I agree, however. If they added some kind of mission mode where you had to do indoors fighting, I think a pistol could be useful (let your rifle hang from the sling and move indoors sort of thing) and supercompact weapons make more sense than rifles espescially in space.
Well i suppose i meant to ask, is there any up-side to this from a design viewpoint.
Yep, this guy knows what i'm talking about.
As far as I know, yes.
And i might sound like Stalin, but I'm growing more and more opposed to "open" community projects where additions and changes are done by popular vote. The few times i've seen this kind of development actually done, it always ends up adopting elements from whatever game is most popular at the time.
Yeah the simulated weapon audio sucks a little but it's tolerable. The first DLC was awesome as well, didn't break it stylistically
Can servers turn these weapons off and just have the main one?
main one doesn't exist anymore, it's functionality has been cut down and split into the railgun, melee weapon and "grenade pistol"
Really wanted to purchase it.
Probably still will. Though I may never know how great it was beforehand.
but the textures...
ooooooooooooo .. noooooooooooo
edit: is there even AO baked in?!
also, I always thought it very odd that the game had just the one weapon...a badly designed one, at that.
The models look like a episode of game art student gone wild.
Have a look at the front of the pistol for the most obvious one
I dunno if i could disagree more. I mean the original rifle wasnt perfect aesthetically but it was a lot better than these, and in terms of the rifle as a game mechanic, it was infinitely better
2.) paint white
3.) add huge ass cube on front
5.) Profit!
EDIT: Game still runs like shit, fuck it.
no single player