Just read this article, and I've seen the technology demo at Siggraph and GDC... it's cool, but I'm not sure what to think, what are your takes on the 3D-mania and the game industry?
I dont think it will work, if it does great but... yeh gimmick. I havent tried it yet so il wait until then but I dont think the experience is going to be so great to justify the wearing of glasses. however i do wanna play table tennis with that ps3 move :P
I can see the potential of some really immersive stuff with 3D and some of the new motion capture technology coming out, but yeah overall I'm going to have to agree. I find it kind of gimmicky, and not to mention it looks like the price to even get this stuff to work is going to be pretty hefty....
It looks like it's going to be at least a good 5-10 years before they get it to a point that's acceptable... and knowing the american public and market, it might not last that long.
I agree with the majority here... I think it's a fad that the big corps are just trying to push to sell hardware.
Call me old-fashioned but I really dislike this whole 'future of gaming' thing. I'm generally not into any of the 3D, motion controller, Natal stuff...
The way I see it, when I wanna play a game, I wanna sit down and play through something with a good story, some action, online or offline and of course nice graphics and animation etc are always a plus. Alternatively, get some friends round, play some sports games or SF or something.
If I wanted to swing some hand held thing round like a jackass I'd go outside and play baseball, or go bowling or play tennis or whatever.
I just think games have been fine for 20+ years in their current format, why the sudden drive for this extra stuff like 3D, Natal and Move / Wii... the only reason I can see it being pushed so much is that it's instant appeal to 'non-gamers' and that's a big opportunity for profit for all involved, especially the hardware manufacturers.
So I don't sound like a complete caveman I should add that I'm all for developing tech for games in their current format... furthering graphics capabilities, better mocap etc, Normal mapping, SSAO etc etc as well as the consoles/components improving, but the peripheral hardware tech can stay as it is please.
I think those Big Corps want to make everyone into Avatars... only inside a virtual world. Pretty soon we will all be sitting in pods with straps to our brains and running around (virtually) on Pandora.
3D has been out for the PC for a few years. Already.. I noticed Bioshock 2 supported it. If nothing else, the 120hz monitors are easier on the eyes on 2d.
While im sure some games would use 3d in gimmicky ways, it have to say i really like it. Batman, bioshock 2 and resident evil 5 all has awesome 3d that totally enhanced the game for me, further research and practice will only yield titles that use 3d even more effectively, Arguing the pricing point is not really valid, as many of us pc gamers already have 4-500 dollar graphics cards, or expensive mice and keyboards. People used to argue that all the graphics where giong to kill the game industry too, but really im finding it harder and harder to play last gen games, and feel entertained, when i have grown accustomed to hi-fidelity visuals. What is more important is what format becomes dominant, will it be synced glasses, anaglyph, 3d monitors, or will they finally develop a display capable of doing polarized 3d like in Imax. Nvidia already supports synced and anaglyph, and 3rd party drivers allow you to use synched, anaglyph, 3d monitors, etc on ati hardware, so it will just be a matter of time before the technology is highly accessible, and highly integrated into your game experience. Im all for advancements, peripherals can do a lot for games, just think of what the mouse did for first person shooters.
3D can be very entertaining. When done right, it has the potential to add to the experience. But when done wrong, it can detract from it. So it is much more of a gamble than previous advances in gaming technology.
The first major step forward in 3D gaming will most likely be the Nintendo 3DS. It's going to be one of the first widely commercially available products that won't require the use of any glasses or filters. And of course, it will have the benefit of the DS's massive marketing success behind it. It's a shoe-in for broadening the demand for this kind of technology in games as well as film.
In its current state, 3D gaming will remain a plaything for those with too much disposable income, definitely a minority given the state of the global economy.
For some reason wearing 3D glasses and watching movies in 3D makes me queesy and unsettled. So I doubt i can play videogames with it. But honestly, I think it's too gimmicky...but if it works well for a game and people want it? Why not. I can imagine it being cool for a racer, perhaps.
3D games (or at least the Avatar game) don't work particularly well because unlike a 3d movie where someone has full control over the camera and particularly the depth of field. Because you can go to and look at whatever you like in a game you get loads of problems with things blurring out or not blurring out in the correct places which breaks the illusion, messes with the users head and leads to a somewhat unpleasant experience. Given time the technology may mature to a degree where this isn't an issue, but I'd suggest thats quite a ways of yet.
it gonna be huge. garenteed. maybe not for quite some time, but i garentee it will happen eventually. i checked out the 3dtv that futureshop has on display, and it really did look like it did in the theaters. yes, right now we still have to wear glasses, but i wouldnt be surprised if they eventually came out with one that doesnt need glasses. when that happens, 3d gaming is going to be huge. ESPECIALLY for FPS. but, yes, it is still far away from being a reality
I saw the demo at GDC, the one where it showed the grass-filled overgrown jungle environment, and it looked really nice.
That said, I'd really like stereoscopic 3d to go away, because even though it was pretty, it is definitely not something I could look at for a long time, nor the way I wish to experience a game.
Additionally, I don't think this is an all or nothing proposition. Some games, like wii sports or similar games could benefit from this technology. So in my view, we may see some adoption of this into a somewhat hybridized game catalog in the future.
''Loxen: I'm waiting for 3D internet. Think those sidebar and banner ads are annoying now? Wait till they pop out at you in 3D!''
It looks like it's going to be at least a good 5-10 years before they get it to a point that's acceptable... and knowing the american public and market, it might not last that long.
Now 3 screen gaming, THAT'S the future!
Call me old-fashioned but I really dislike this whole 'future of gaming' thing. I'm generally not into any of the 3D, motion controller, Natal stuff...
The way I see it, when I wanna play a game, I wanna sit down and play through something with a good story, some action, online or offline and of course nice graphics and animation etc are always a plus. Alternatively, get some friends round, play some sports games or SF or something.
If I wanted to swing some hand held thing round like a jackass I'd go outside and play baseball, or go bowling or play tennis or whatever.
I just think games have been fine for 20+ years in their current format, why the sudden drive for this extra stuff like 3D, Natal and Move / Wii... the only reason I can see it being pushed so much is that it's instant appeal to 'non-gamers' and that's a big opportunity for profit for all involved, especially the hardware manufacturers.
So I don't sound like a complete caveman I should add that I'm all for developing tech for games in their current format... furthering graphics capabilities, better mocap etc, Normal mapping, SSAO etc etc as well as the consoles/components improving, but the peripheral hardware tech can stay as it is please.
at night, i like to think up ways to solve the whole moving floor thing or ways you could simulate physical contact. omg, dont get me started.
separate thread?
I support 3 screen gaming :thumbup:
no fucking deal.
The first major step forward in 3D gaming will most likely be the Nintendo 3DS. It's going to be one of the first widely commercially available products that won't require the use of any glasses or filters. And of course, it will have the benefit of the DS's massive marketing success behind it. It's a shoe-in for broadening the demand for this kind of technology in games as well as film.
In its current state, 3D gaming will remain a plaything for those with too much disposable income, definitely a minority given the state of the global economy.
errrrr anyways...
That said, I'd really like stereoscopic 3d to go away, because even though it was pretty, it is definitely not something I could look at for a long time, nor the way I wish to experience a game.
Additionally, I don't think this is an all or nothing proposition. Some games, like wii sports or similar games could benefit from this technology. So in my view, we may see some adoption of this into a somewhat hybridized game catalog in the future.
Until then, no dice.
My opinion on this matter. Is nothing but more wasting of money. This stunt will work only on FPS or Flying video games.
Would anyone want to see prince of persia type of games in 3d? It will just kill the entire market of it.
Also I doubt that anyone would play RPG or RTS in 3d.
So benefits with this stunt in game are extremely limited.
EDIT: I would love to play Doom 3 in 3D or F.E.A.R 2. <.<