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How to destroy angels.

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Mime polycounter lvl 15
In case you haven't heard " How to destroy angels" is Trent Reznor's new project with his wife Mariqueen.

They added their first track yesterday on their website http://howtodestroyangels.com/home.html

For a direct link http://pitchfork.com/news/38686-how-to-destroy-angels-a-drowning/

Now, my opinion on this.
I am EXTREMELY glad he didn't stop making music. With that been said, i do like his voice more than hers, but if it were his voice it would be just NIN renamed.

Don't get me wrong i like the song , ALOT. You can smell the "reznor" in it, but i can't say i really like Mariqueen, as a singer or a .... person. (she is hot though)

Opinions in this ?


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