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Maya 2010: create edge between 2 verts

Okay, just learning Maya 2010 (coming from Silo), so hopefully this is much easier
than the software has shown it to be thusfar:

I create a 6-sided polycube (no extra loops), select 2 border verts and can't figure
out how to create an edge between them.

What's the magic Maya terminology to do this? In Silo, I just select 2 verts,
hit 'x' (cut), and it creates the new edge. Surely there's a built in way to do this
that doesn't require me to download a .mel script?

Thanks for any insight! :poly142:


  • bugo
    Offline / Send Message
    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    workflow wise maya is different than Silo
    if you want to do a an edge loop insertion you have to use the "insert edge loop tool" and use it in an edge and it will split the rings of this edge.
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks for the help, bugo...but I just want 1 (shoulda mentioned) diagonal edge between
    two verts that are on border edges.

    I found the edge loop tool and it will be quite handy (already hot-keyed it). I've also downloaded
    and installed OMToolbox and it will connect internal verts to create an edge, but it won't work on
    any verts that fall on a 'border'. I'm guessing it's a face-to-face tolerance angle, but I can't find
    how to override it or adjust said tolerance.

    It baffles me that there's not a 'cut' or 'create edge' when two verts are selected, but
    I thought there might be another way to do the same thing.

    I also found the 'cut faces tool' but it's pretty messy and doesn't seem to lock to a
    vertex...so I'd have to cut the face, then go to merge the verts just to get an edge...

    ??? :poly122:
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Cut edges? Snaps to verts and midpoints if wanted.
  • wailingmonkey
    I may be totally not seeing it, but these are the 'Edit Mesh' options I see in

  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Opps, Split Polygon.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Sorry to hit where it hurts ... but yeah, there is no 'connect' in Maya.
    Users have been installing meshtools (or is it CSpolytools?) just for that for years. But, it creates quite a bit of mess in the scene. The answer I have always been given when asking about this : "huh why would you need that!"
  • wailingmonkey
    ack, so no direct straight-forward way to change edgeflow on a vert-by-vert basis?


    Went back and tried again with OMToolbox using the 'Connect Components' option
    and it worked on 2 out of the 3 tries...now I guess I gotta figure how to copy it's Mel
    and assign that to the shelf...but is it even possible to hotkey shelf buttons?

    Or is there a better way?

    (noticed I could triangulate a face, then flip the edge, but dunno if that's any less work)
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    As mentioned, the quickest way to do it is just to use the split polygon tool, and then click the two vertices, then hit enter. Maya doesn't have good detection for actually clicking on the vertice, so the best way is usually to click and hold on the edge and slide it until it hits the corner. When you hit enter, it will auto merge the verts so it won't create a double vertice if they are close together.

    Even in max, which has both the connect and split polygon tools, i do it the split polygon way because it is usually quicker.

    To add a custom hotkey for a script, you can open the hotkey window, go to the user directory, and then create a new hotkey and paste in the script contents or command. You can do this to create hotkeys for custom scripts or just maya actions if you want.
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks, PredatorGSR for the script hotkey walkthru. :)

    I also just came across this: http://wiki.byronimo.de/pmwiki.php/Projects/BPT

    Perhaps it works well?

    I do appreciate all the advice and help, guys...getting more familiar with Maya, but
    man it sure makes me appreciate Silo for modeling. :D
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    here is a script I wrote last year to connect verts (does a few other things too which can see here). Its for Maya2009 but should work in 2010 also. Can open it in a text editor for instructions on the extended features if you want to use them.
  • wailingmonkey
    wow!...that looks damn sweet, PolyHertz.

    So it's basically context-sensitive and if I hot-key yer script bttn, it'll be up
    to me to have the right parts selected when I activate, no?

    Anyhow, thanks! (off to give it a whirl now)

    *edit* just visited yer site... your other scripts look to be just as handy. ;)
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    yep, its all contest sensitive. Some of the functions (like delete loop or quad-loop) will only work as a shelf button though cause they require shift or ctrl to be held. But the connect verts/edges slice, bridge, and ring path connect should all work via hotkey.

    If have any questions/comments/suggestions let me know :)
  • Lamont
    Offline / Send Message
    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    It's possible. I know what you're talking about now, just using different terms.

  • wailingmonkey
    PolyHertz...great stuff, se
  • wailingmonkey
    aww, crap...seems I was too excited for it and now it refuses to play nice. (or
    severe user error)

    All I can do now is enable the slice-object mode, no matter what selection mode
    I'm in, or what I have selected (worked just fine in multi before when I was diggin
    it, but now not so much).

    Tried restarting, re-pasting in the melscript for the shelf button, and totally taking
    out the button on the shelf but now all I can get is this:

    Think Maya2010 would be the culprit? Totally blew away the custom.mel in the
    "Users->me->Documents->maya->2010->prefs->shelves folder (cause even after
    I deleted it from within Maya and saved prefs it kept coming back) and re-did the
    "copy into script window, run, middle-mouse-drag into custom shelf window"...
    but keep getting the error/functionality above.

    wheeeee, Maya is FUNNN! :poly121:
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Hmm, just gave it a shot in maya 2011 trial and every function works correctly, even the shift-loop removal you mentioned earlier...Have you tried restarting your comp? Just a thought cause I've had weird issues with Maya before that wouldn't go away till a reboot. :poly141:
  • wailingmonkey
    Was hoping to have good news, but re-booted and still with the slice capability only
    (when I've got edges and verts selected) grrrrr....

    Gonna try again with blown-away custom shelf, re-boot, and fresh script-to-shelf

    By the way, the only other customizations I've made are the addition of OMToolbox
    and some hot-keys. Everything else is vanilla. (and I also tried with standard polycube
    as well as standard polysphere)

    **edit** No-go...did the above and popped a polycylinder, selected 3 edges and
    tried your tools, only to be greeted with the same request as the above image. :(
    Another day, another solution, I reckon. Thanks for taking the time to share and
    assist, PolyHertz!
  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Its looks like OMToolBox may be at fault. I just installed it on Maya 2011 and it broke the script for a while. After using its OMs connect function my script began working again. I'm not 100% sure yet, but it seems to be the most likely culprit atm.

    I'll dig through OMs code a little later and see what could be going on.
  • wailingmonkey
    I thought of that, and tried removing it (cleaned my Maya.env and userSetup.mel) and moving
    the OMTools folder out, but missed the section in the userPrefs.mel ... so I just now removed that and
    tried again (with custom shelf blown-away, and re-doing install of your button) but it still throws
    up same message on attempting to connect 3 edges of a polycylinder. <shrugs>

    Having a hard time guessing where else OMTools would put itself...

    (hehe...will now re-boot and see if that fixes it)

    ***edit*** negatory, drop-kick. Still a big no-go. <sarcasm> I do love me some computer! </sarcasm>
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Works perfectly on 2010/11 64bit, both with multiple other tools running. Try a freh install Wail?
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Personally I dont think you really need any scripts to help you model in maya now as all the useful tools have been integrated into maya over the years. Split polygon tool, insert edge loop tool and collapse is really all you need.

    If you want to join vertices with an edge you can just use the split polygon tool and select an edge and drag the new vert to your original vert and do the same to the next vert and so on, right click and your done. It takes exactly the same amount of time as it does to connect in max as your simply selecting verts and connecting them as you go. It also snaps to the centre of an edge if you dont want to join verts and have a similar result as connect in Max.

    it just sounds like you are making way too much work for yourself.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Haha I TOLD YOU :P
    Crazyfool : The difference is that, even if in theory it shouldn't take longer to do what you describe, in practice we all know that the split polygon tool can be very annoying (detecting another edge than the one you are actually clicking on, and also so many others possible misshaps). Simply selecting two verts and pressing a 'connect' shortcut is incredibly faster and much more predictable. I would suggest you try it in another program and you will very likely love it...
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    I use Max alot aswell and love connect but with a bit of practice its easy peasey :) and its gotten alot better in the newer versions of maya. I can see instances where getting a connect function into maya would be awesome but for this I wouldnt bother with adding scripts
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    I dont think this is available in maya 2010, but in 2011, there is multi component connect and work exactly like u want.

    Check this out: http://area.autodesk.com/blogs/stevenr/maya_2011_highlight_modeling_and_general_workflow_improvements
  • wailingmonkey
    thanks, Gilgamesh ... just now tried it on 2010 64-bit with no alterations (fresh install) and it
    still pops the 'select polygonal face(s) or object first' message and goes into 'cut faces tool'. I'm
    either doing something totally alien or my 'puter has issues, but here's my process just now:

    -open Maya 64-bit (fresh, no nuthin changed from install)
    -open PolyHertz .mel script in notepad
    -select all and copy
    -back to Maya and open Mel script editor
    -paste into lower section
    -hit 'run' in editor (nothing in the scene yet)
    -select all and middle-mouse drag it onto 'custom' shelf
    -click polygons shelf and pick a poly object
    -go into multi-selection mode and select 2 or 3 edges and a vert (or edge mode and 3 edges)
    -back to 'custom' shelf and click on new PolyHertz melscript button
    -see error (fail to create a contiguous edge based upon selection)

    crazyfool - if you aren't used to selecting verts, edges, faces (or a mix of them)
    and 'connecting' them to direct your edgeflow, I'm not going to try and convince
    you of it's value. If I can't get *some* script in Maya to allow me to do that then I'll try and
    figure out another workflow, but it's just pretty fast for me to work that way.

    pior - you were right! :)

    elte - looks good! too bad I'm not on maintenance and just bought 2010 about
    a month ago. :( It is student license for AnimationMentor, so maybe if some extra
    ducats kick loose I'll think about buying the 2011 student version....but not feasible
    for now, sadly.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    There's like TWO polygonal modes in Maya: Select by object type and component type. Some tools bug out if you are not in the right one.
  • wailingmonkey
    yeah, Lamont, and this may be the case. Based upon your comment I thought I'd just see
    if it would work on a default polyobject that's been edited. So I just did an 'insert edge loop tool'
    for a couple of loops and scaled them. Then I selected in multi-mode again some various edges
    and verts and low 'n behold it worked! (yay again!)


    So PolyHertz, maybe your code has some conflict with unedited default objects? (just grasping
    at straws here)

    Anyhow, if it will continue to work on already edited objects then we're off to the races! (since
    using this script will predominantly be on actual models and not just default cubes)

  • PolyHertz
    Offline / Send Message
    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Well I don't know how it is in maya2010, but in 2011 cylinders actually have a glitch when they're newly made where pre-selection highlighting doesn't work. Maybe related? Either way, glad to know its working for you now. Think I'll re-write part of it to remove some of the fluff.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Spare yourself the misery and discontinue learning Maya. I had to work with it for 2 months (2010) after 6+ years with 3DS Max. Maya's poly modeling workflow is completely garbage, and i'm not biased because I've experienced the alternative. I can give a 2 page long list of things that max does better than maya in terms of modeling. At Digital Extremes we have been using maya, and 14 out of 16 environment artists had to band together and go to the CFO to illustrate our extreme displeasure with the workflow that comes with it.

    But if you want to bear the pain until they finally fix their modeling tools, i would suggest getting NEX tools or some similar plugin.
  • PredatorGSR
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    PredatorGSR polycounter lvl 14
    I think that's a bit extreme, I've come from the exact opposite (6 years of Maya, and 2 months of Max) and they seem pretty equal to me, just slightly different and with certain advantages and disadvantages. Both just take getting used to the workflow, and learning what you need to do max or maya's way, and which workflows transfer over. If you try to force a workflow without learning the program first, you're going to have issues.
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    I disagree completely.

    Maya is a tool built specifically for animation, effects, and rendering. Autodesk has completely ignored maya's fundamental flaws in their polygon modeling workflow, and they are consciously aware of this.

    Predator I learned Maya's workflow pretty quickly, and it just doesn't compare to the flow that programs like max and modo have. Non-destructive modeling is the way to go, and with maya's convoluted scene management and the inability to do the most simple things like scale more than one mesh on a global level without grouping them just goes to show that it's a very sub-par program.

    You'll see that you'll begin to notice that your modelling time will be cut in half in max when compared to maya, mainly because you can skip a bunch of steps that you have to take in maya to just do something as basic setting pivot points and aligning meshes properly.
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    Maya's poly modeling workflow is completely garbage, and i'm not biased because I've experienced the alternative.
    Oh please don't flame this thread.
    You'll see that you'll begin to notice that your modelling time will be cut in half in max when compared to maya, mainly because you can skip a bunch of steps that you have to take in maya to just do something as basic setting pivot points and aligning meshes properly.
    I personally think it's the other way round. Prove us if you feel so.

    I think it's best to keep on track with topic in this thread.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Well it might be slightly off topic (not so much really!!) but it also is completely true. (when talking about hipoly modelling obviously). Flamers are the ones in denial! Fancy insert loop techniques dont make up for the lack of non-destructive modeling. Not everyone has an army of scripters willing/able to add the Max stuff to Maya. Im with Virtuosic - to the OP : if you still have the choice, for HP modeling go for Max. It's as simple as that really.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    maya's convoluted scene management and the inability to do the most simple things like scale more than one mesh on a global level without grouping them just goes to show that it's a very sub-par program.

    Or, you know, Max's lack of scene management...

    And have you tried hitting D then X/V middle-click and then scale?

    Clearly you don't really know how to use Maya in all the appropriate ways yet. How about you go out and learn the appropriate functions before complaining that you don't know how to use it properly?

    Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that Max's non-linear and non-destructive modifier stack modelling workflow is far superior in most ways, especially for high-poly work, but if you're gonna call out Maya on lacking features, at least call it out on something that is actually broken instead of something you just don't know how to do yourself :)
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yup :P

    I'll try to dig the Maya connect I used to have ... must have it, somewhere ...
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    but MOP... with all do respect ( and i really do respect you man). You kind of proved my point with the EXTRA steps you need to take to do the scaling. With MAX you just select objects, scale it, and it works - without needing to learn any fancy keyboard shortcuts.

    However, You're right. You guys called me out on flaming. I didn't really realize i was doing it and I apologize for taking this thread off topic. Was just coming off of 2 months of hating my job because of maya, so haters gunna hate :-P
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    With MAX you just select objects, scale it, and it works - without needing to learn any fancy keyboard shortcuts.
    The same thing goes to maya, and any other applications. Keyboard shortcuts is just one of the ways to improve your workflow, because it will be tiring to keep switching on the panel and click on affect pivot button everytime you wanna transform the pivot.

    And btw, those who didnt watch the video, here's what I mean by multi component connect:



    Is there a way to do that in Max?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    well I dont think that connecting a vert to an edge to a face is any useful (at all! seems more like one of those things, impressive to show but never really useful), but at least it seems to connect verts just fine. What version is this ? Im using 2010 and I dont think I've seen this.
    Also could you post the code behind this ? It might be a new function altogether, but theres a slight change it could be a hacky mel script, hence portable to older mayas maybe ?
  • James Edwards
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    James Edwards polycounter lvl 18
    Pior: that's in 2011. Nice addition, doesn't really bring anything new to the table though, I agree. You can get the same results with Max or Silo's interactive cut tool - different approach but same end result.

    I still prefer silo's myself even with the latest 2011 updates to max and maya. It works as a connect tool, or an interactive cut tool depending on your selection context, which handles most of my geometry cut/connect needs in one tool, including loops. Best of all it is bindable to my mouse, which maya and max still can't do.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    vert-to-ede connections are nice, sense in max it'd take at least 3 more clicks for the same operation (after connect edges, switch to verts, select both verts instead of one, and press connect again). You could do it in max via a script that took the edge/vert selection held in mem while in the other component mode, then connected the edges and got the edge verts of the new connection, then switched to vert mode and did the connection their. of course you wouldnt be able to see your edge and vert selection at the same time, but thats about the only way I can think of going about it in one step.
  • elte
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    elte polycounter lvl 18
    @pior: I agree somehow that connecting verts isn't that useful. I was just showing that it's possible since the thread's title is about it, and btw connect component works not only selecting multi component, it can be edge ring, or polygon loop.
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