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Lego Scene WIP


First time posting...

This was a project I did for school where we were asked to compose a scene with the models provided. Responsible for scene composition, UVs, textures, lighting, and rendering.

So this is the first thing I've been working on that's nearing completion so I just wanted to shoot this out there and see if I could get some feedback before I go back and fix some things up.

I already know I gotta go back and fix the bump on the horse's tail and adjust the UVs on the plant in the background. Any critique would be GREATLY appreciated. Looking mainly to make this image more dramatic (I'm thinking lighting needs to be adjusted?).

Going to be looking for a job soon...so looking for ways to make my work stand out.


  • atomicwasabi
    This kind of got lost back there due to the first post verification thing. Promise I'll never bump ever again.

    Thanks ahead of time for any feedback.
  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    For the most part everything looks nice and real, but there's no real focal points and it just looks busy.

    The reflectivity on the floor is too much, if you want to keep it make it have glossy reflections. The picture frame shouldn't be reflective. The glass material (jar thing) don't look very much like glass.

    I'd work on using lighting to make the scene more dramatic and add focus on characters. Also try using the light to add a sense of foreground and background.
  • Harry
    Offline / Send Message
    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    the texture on that guy's head is totally scaled too small. I wouldn't say it's too nitpicky - I don't even need to look at the lego itself to notice it, it's like, an iconic "lego dude" which most people over 18 would recognise at the drop of a hat :D
  • Wells
    Offline / Send Message
    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    what stands out to me is that all the Lincoln Logs have the exact same texture on the end, going the exact same way. Distracting.

    the story of the scene is a little confusing... am i to understand that those prisoners are getting their heads shot off into the bucket? And these other dudes are trying to save them. At first i thought it was red shirts vs tan shirts, but that can't be right because there are tans in the foreground. So then I thought it must be the guys with the black hats vs everyone else, but it looks like there's a fight on the roof to the right, and neither of them have the black hats. is it just general chaos? or is everyone just freaking the fuck out because there's a skeleton holding a severed head?

    and then there's a random guy falling from the sky...
  • atomicwasabi
    Yeah, besides the two things I mentioned. The Lincoln logs were the next thing I noticed. That's an easy fix.

    That's about right on the story. Guy falling out of the sky jumped from the glass thing and is going to rambo the hostage platform. The guys on the roof to the right are trying to save the hostages, but one guy tripped and the other guy is like oh noes what the f are you doing...

    Alright so here's the basic idea. All the bad guys are in the middle. Think of it kind of like a town square where a public execution is about to go down. And everyone else is surrounding the square about to ambush the execution to rescue the hostages.

    So as for the issue with clothes. At first I had all the rescuers in tan, but then I was worried that I was getting too much of a similar color all over. I had a lot of browns and whites already. Then I thought okay just make them all red, but then thought it would be visually more interesting if I had more variety. So I differentiated by hat color. I was hoping to try to pass off the rescuers as sort of a motley crew. A gang of rebels rounded up at the last second to stop and unjust execution. But it looks like I'm just making it too busy so I might just go back to all red.

    I did want to create a chaotic scene. Everyone is supposed to be freaking out that there's a skeleton dude with a severed head. And I'm thinking that the rescuers are just a crazy mix of random characters. Some are bumbling joes, some scaredy cats, some overly gungho, and some just normal joes. And mainly I wanted to create a scene where everytime you looked, you might catch something different you hadn't seen before.

    So it looks like I focused to much on the individual bits of chaos and the basic story isn't coming out easy. That's not going to be such an easy fix. Any suggestions? I'm thinking lighting would help a lot. I initially thought about a night scene where there was some lights coming from below shining on the middle where the hostages, skeleton, and decapitated heads are. The standard creepy lighting on the town square.

    I'm thinking use some depth of field and blur out the very back wall as well. I might consider blurring some things in the actual scene too. Maybe even the foreground or the center of the square a tiny bit.

    I'll work on reflectivity on some of the materials...Got a lot of those comments elsewhere as well.

    Didn't even see the underscaled face at all. Combination of working on the image for too long and as you said everybody knows a lego when you see one. Will fix.

    Man by far, these were the most productive critiques I've gotten after shooting this out on a number of forums. Good eyes. Awesome.

    Thanks again.
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