Blocking in a horse run. Have done a fair bit of work on the legs, but the poses aren't reading too strong on the back legs so I have to fix those. Apologies for the crappy quality, just starting out with maya and haven't got the hang of playblasts at all yet, had to run this through Premier. It also runs a little fast after premier (f***ing hate that program)
(best use quicktime for this, you can scrub; hit CTRL+L to loop
Crits welcome.
I would recommend trying not to do this animation in 'parts'. I get the impression you're tying to nail the legs before moving onto rest of the body, but it's all connected. When you start trying to animate the spine it's going to effect the legs, neck etc
How do I open a playblast in quicktime pro? Everytime I save it, it saves out as individual images...
I feel that the front legs' clavicle(shoulder?) as well as the upper thigh should be more animated(or maybe it's just the skinning). Right now it looks pretty stiff in those parts.
What references did you use?
Edit: I was gonna look up some refs for a horse run cycle and found out that your animation actually looked according to the reference sheet :S
It still however doesn't look as dynamic as I would have made it. You should exaggerate the pose of the legs more, especially the front legs when they are in the furthest away position from the body if you understand what I mean.!Muybridge_race_horse_gallop.jpg
I see some issues with the back legs now...why is it they only present themselves when you've uploaded a playblast? lol gonna fix that.
The front legs look really solid but agreed the back ones need some work. (I think but could be wrong - that the back legs could benefit from more of a bend in the lower back after they drive off the ground.)
Lastly I would say get that tail moving.. some motion in there will add to it 100 fold.
looks a lot better from where it started. good job.
Also the skinning of your mesh isn't quite right either, you have to have the whole thigh follow the thigh bones(it reaches up to the butt almost on the backlegs for instance).
I think the model looks great though and I'm sure the end result of the animation will look great! Your sense of timing is good and I have no crits there. Keep up the good work!
Light push, starting it again though, cause its shit.
Early days on this run...still have to start on actual timing, and it's very robotic because everything is pretty much only rotating on the Y axis for now...
Thanks in Advance.
Try select your curves in the graph editor and go under > curves > euler filter
Check this out if it's not working. (or check it out anyway)
To open the tool settings, choose rotation mode, click the middle button of the three buttons in the upper right corner. Local should be the standard setting.
It's not gimbal lock, the problem is with the actual gizmo...
See? The red axis is missing altogether in this one...but on other limbs, the axis will have moved closer to another axis, making it look like a spherical pie chart or something Anyone come across this before?
Also, the scene file for this animation was bloody massive, so in the viewports I'm having clippin problems. Anyone know how I can extend the boundaries there?
Also change the roation order at the transform-node to YZX or ZXY
Your hips are complete stil. The hip is rotating in the direction the leg goes, so at the contact-pose witht the left leg in front it rotates in this direction on Y (Y= maya, i mean horizaontal, you you know what i mean)
Aquire the animators survival kit by Richard Williams, find the page where theres a run cycle drawn from the side. read that section and trace that cycle in 3d, play through that exact cycle and work out why it looks great.
Also, open up some decompiled game animation from Valve. Assuming you don't know how to do this, PM me and I will send you files. Go through their runs and walks frame by frame and work out what's happening.
(and yeah, hips are hella mobile now. Worked on it lots since that upload . Cheers! )
Started blocking out a dino walk...should have provided a side view though, I'll upload one tommorow. Let me know if there is anything you can see that doesnt work though. Been trying to get the forms really moving early on, to avoid the problems I had with the horse (now fixed).
I love the head follow thru. =]
That's also the same viewport background I use! It's the best.
Yeah it's all stepped out on fives for now, but once I start going into the timing, I'm going to give more time to that slow peel of the foot off the ground and less to the leg up in the air.
Are his legs spread far enough apart on the extremes, do you think? Its a walk obviously, but I feel as if I should spread them a bit more. Feedback welcome
Keep working at it. Looks amazing in stepped.
Lots of stuff still to do, but hopefully you can something I havent. Would like to be finished this tonight.