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Dead Space 2

new creepy-ass trailer up for Dead Space 2,

gotta say I hate the new new manga suit look but I still can't wait for the game. also glad they didn't go with another damned live-action trailer like everyone else these days.


  • slipsius
    the first one is my all time favourite game. cant wait for the second!
  • slipsius
    ended nicely, but theres still alot they can do. alot more they can explain (yes, i found all the audio logs and data logs) its suppose to be a trilogy in the end.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    from what I've read in previews it sounds like there's another of those, uhm, obelisk things and action hero Issac goes to take care of it. I'm paraphrasing a little but that's the impression I got.

    I still haven't finished the first one, just finished chapter 7 last week after a year and a half hiatus, (was hoping to before my daughter was born in may but she decided to show up last friday instead) so I don't really know how the first ends.
    But if it takes another year and a half I'm psyched to find out!
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    Please God let there be a PC version!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    dead space was probably my favorite game of that year, really tight experience. I dont mind the new suit and the mask coming up was pretty pimp, and i hate anime/manga.

    saw that little clip of him rocketing to the other train a while back and it looks like they are expanding/refining the experience. I loved the ending of the 1st too but if this is going to be the same level of quality/atmosphere i more than happy to return to the series.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    woop woop! I got work in that trailer =D games gonna kick ass, just hang onto your britches!
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    Nice! DS was a great game. They did a great job with suspense in the first one, never really knowing when something might jump out and eat your brains. The audio was really well done as well.

    Hopefully DS2 meets all expectations :)
  • slipsius
    my favourite part of the game was turning off all the lights, cranking the volume, and of course, playing on hard. i couldnt play with the lights on. it wasnt the same experience. or low volume. i still rememeber the first time one of the tenticle things came and grabbed in a hallway. i thought it was a cutscene so i stopped playing, then realized i had a cursor still. haha. sick graphics indeed. and very intuative.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I just bought the first one a couple of days ago, for the 360, although I played it and beat it for the PC. Great game.

    And now that I got an HD projector, the game is even more atmospheric than on a 19" monitor. The sound setup I have is ok, but I wish I had something more cause the sound design in Dead Space is AMAZING.

    Can't wait for the second one. I don't know how to feel about the mecha-helmet, yet. In itself it doesn't bother me, but it could be an indicator of how things will go for other aspects of the game. More action-y? Could be. more anime inspired? Maybe. Not stuff I dig, but it could still be very cool. I'll wait to play it before I say one way or the other. But the first was just so damn good.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    my favourite part of the game was turning off all the lights, cranking the volume, and of course, playing on hard. i couldnt play with the lights on. it wasnt the same experience. or low volume.

    Agreed. My wife was so pissed I was coming to bed at like 3am for a week, because I had to wait until there were no distractions, and could turn off all the lights and get headphones in. She's not a gamer, so she didn't understand how much more immersive Dead Space was than even a decent horror movie, so when I finally finished it, she was kinda relieved.

    Still remains one of my all-time favorite games. Looked great, definitely agreed that it sounded great (best sound design since Silent Hill 2, in my opinion), and the story was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Hope to God they release it on PC...
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Damn yeah. I got the Astronaut suit for the first dead space specifically because it looked more manga, so i'm down with the new suit design. Also, the new setting will be fucking sweet.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Agreed. My wife was so pissed I was coming to bed at like 3am for a week, because I had to wait until there were no distractions, and could turn off all the lights and get headphones in. She's not a gamer, so she didn't understand how much more immersive Dead Space was than even a decent horror movie, so when I finally finished it, she was kinda relieved.

    Still remains one of my all-time favorite games. Looked great, definitely agreed that it sounded great (best sound design since Silent Hill 2, in my opinion), and the story was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. Hope to God they release it on PC...

    I just wish women could understand how important our complete and undisturbing "immersion" is. ;)

    Were not neglecting, were immersing.
  • moof
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    moof polycounter lvl 7
    best game after demon souls last year. Definitely looking forward to this one, the production quality is just top notch with these dudes.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Were not neglecting, were immersing.


    Just watched the trailer, and I actually really like the new suit design (well, the helmet but you know polycount and public declarations of liking new helmet), but I hope that's about the extent of the design changes - anything more and it's going to start looking like Dark Void.

    One of my favorite aspects of the original's production design was the fact that Isaac felt like an engineer, not an action hero. Not only the way he looked, but the way he moved and the excellent animation really reinforced this for me. He didn't run or fight like some seasoned veteran, but a scared, desperate survivor. I hope that the sequel retains this.
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    those games are too scary to play :(
  • SyedS
    Lonewolf. I'm the biggest pussy on Earth and I still managed to play this. The game just sucks you in!
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    dead space was what doom 3 tried to be.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I read in Game Informer instead of having this game be the Survival Horror the first one was sort of leading too, they are making it Action Horror. With more gunning and faster pace action.

    I don't know how I feel about this. I miss survival horrors. -__-
  • slipsius
    if they get rid of the survival horror part of it, ill be pisssssed
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    i just love this game :)
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I need to boot the damn game up. Maybe after my 2nd play through of Mass Effect 2.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    if they get rid of the survival horror part of it, ill be pisssssed

    Agreed, this game has been closer to a systemshock than any other game has managed to be recently.

    the survival and horror in it made it great, managing your ammo, using it carefully, upgrading your tools and equipment.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I read in Game Informer instead of having this game be the Survival Horror the first one was sort of leading too, they are making it Action Horror. With more gunning and faster pace action.

    I don't know how I feel about this. I miss survival horrors. -__-

    read that too, they claim tha Issac has been killing necromorphs for a while now and that they are "empowering the player." I guess technically there's a certain Ripleyness to that but I'm pretty wary... also read the stuff about multiplayer.

    it's the same team right? they know why the people who bought the first one liked it right?
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I often wonder the same question, Scudz. I don't get why some people feel the need to drastically re-write something, be it a game, or movie, or anything else. Is it bullshit focus group testing? I don't know.

    I'll still enjoy an action horror title, but it's not Dead Space. They can make all the excuses they want, but when you take the heart of an idea out, it ceases to be that idea any longer. That game is on a ton of people's top ten lists for a reason.

    Still, I kinda figured they'd go the action route. It sucks, but corporate retards are gonna look at numbers, and that's it. They can't see past current trends, and marketing research numbers.

    Gah, I'm upset. If they make this all action, no horror like the RE games, I'm gonna be VERY disappointed
  • slipsius
    if they make it more run and gun type thing, where you know, at certain parts, you HAVE to run and shoot or you`ll die... i can live with that. but some of the best moments in that game were walking into a pitch black hallway and thinking "oh shit... im dead" while slowly walking down constantly looking for holes in the wall. oh course, the sound helped too. made my heart jump so many times. haha.

    as for the same team... yes, it is... but, its also the same company (EA). soooooo.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I often wonder the same question, Scudz. I don't get why some people feel the need to drastically re-write something, be it a game, or movie, or anything else. Is it bullshit focus group testing? I don't know.

    I'll still enjoy an action horror title, but it's not Dead Space. They can make all the excuses they want, but when you take the heart of an idea out, it ceases to be that idea any longer. That game is on a ton of people's top ten lists for a reason.

    Still, I kinda figured they'd go the action route. It sucks, but corporate retards are gonna look at numbers, and that's it. They can't see past current trends, and marketing research numbers.

    Gah, I'm upset. If they make this all action, no horror like the RE games, I'm gonna be VERY disappointed

    People bitch just as much if companies don't make enough changes and just poop out a cookie-cutter sequel. Short answer is, they've already made that game. Play the first one again if you want the same experiences. As creative type people, they want to keep growing and expanding on the ideas presented in the first. If they feel that this is where the story of Isaac goes, perhaps you should have faith that they can make it just as good as the first one?

    This isn't a remake, this isn't an expansion pack. This is a sequel, a new game, and it is going to be different.

    Personally, while the first game is one of my favorite on the 360, I'm looking forward to what they bring in the second helping.

    bah. I'm just tired of people seeming to treat games they like as flukes, with little faith in the group that made them.

  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    read that too, they claim tha Issac has been killing necromorphs for a while now and that they are "empowering the player." I guess technically there's a certain Ripleyness to that but I'm pretty wary... also read the stuff about multiplayer.

    it's the same team right? they know why the people who bought the first one liked it right?

    This is a Dead Space without Glen Schofield, he left for Activision a little under a year ago. It's debatable how much Dead Space's success was him but it has been referred to as his pet project.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I get where you're coming from, Sectaurs, and you're very right. Gears 2 was a prime example of people bitching over not enough changes being made. It's when TOO many changes are made that I start to get annoyed. I'm not a purist about much of anything, really, but it pisses me off when the soul, the basic idea of something is ripped out, and replaced with something completely different. I'm not saying don't change anything, I'm HOPING they don't change the slow pace, the real scares, and tension, and replace it with monster closets, jump scares ONLY, and enough ammo and hardcore guns to make you think you're playing Serious Sam (LOVE serious sam, just saying it's a completely different feel to that game).

    I got HOPE they'll keep those things in mind, but I'm doubtful. And you're right, I shouldn't jump the gun and judge the game based on what little info there is that's out.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Well what if we look at Resident Evil compared to Resident Evil 2. Both absolutely frightening and for the most part the same gameplay, but the second one just seems so much more superior and added on to what made the first one so rad. I feel they are more different to eachother compared to..let's say Gears of War compared to Gears of War 2.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    yup yup. I can dig wanting to experience the magic a second time.

    good call on RE2 - best example of a sequel i can think of.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Hehe, good concerns, but give it time. These isnt even the tip of the tip to the ice burg =P
  • SyedS
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    ^ that looks awesome!
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Looks awesome - was that a nailgun?

    Yes please.
    I'll still enjoy an action horror title, but it's not Dead Space. They can make all the excuses they want, but when you take the heart of an idea out, it ceases to be that idea any longer. That game is on a ton of people's top ten lists for a reason.

    I agree in principle, but Dead Space was always more of an action title than more 'traditional' survival horror games like Silent Hill 2, for example. Yeah, it was scary and atmospheric, but as Tycho said, it always felt more 'Aliens' than 'Alien'. Some sequences were almost frantic with the amount of necromorphs attacking, and I'd say these sequences outnumber the lonely-dark-corridor areas.

    Dead Space is one of my all-time favorites, and I think this looks very promising.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    First day buy.

    I'm curious to see if they'll spell something out with the first letters of each chapter name again.

    New Arrivals
    Intensive Care
    Course Correction
    Obliteration Imminent
    Lethal Devotion
    Environmental Hazard

    Into the Void
    Search and Rescue

    Dead on Arrival
    End of Days
    Alternate Solutions
    Dead Space
  • Nysuatro
    I never liked scary games. But man, Dead space was great. Can't wait for the next one
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Dunno, this doesn't seem like such a far stretch from the original.

    Looks like a really nice beefed up sequel to me. I have no doubt there'll be eerie, atmospheric moments plugged in there. They just aren't making it the focus of their marketing ploy.

    Definately looking forward to it.
  • Gooner442
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    Gooner442 polycounter lvl 6
    The first game was scarier than any film, the subtle sounds and sometimes less subtle sounds scared the crap out of me, strange that it was so intense and probably the least relaxing game I have ever played but I still kept coming back for more!... love the scene when one of the creatures kills you and then rips your head off before replacing it with another!
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    Dusting off an old thread. Now that we are closing in on release date for this game, how do people still feel about it? After a good bit of trailers and screens are out there, are we still excited for it? or are other titles more appealing?

    I feel like i've had my head in a hole, so just curious what the community thinks.

    newest trailer:


  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Oddly enough, I put off finishing the first game until last weekend. I had begun playing it almost a year ago, but stopped because of my TV situation. I had started playing it on my sister's big-screen hi-def screen. But when I went back to my own standard-def screen, I could barely read the text in the game. And I like reading all of the journal entries and what-not in games like this. Two weeks ago I finally picked up a 1080p LCD screen, and last weekend I sat down and finally finished playing through Dead Space.

    I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with Dead Space. I can understand some of the critics complaining that it wasn't as much of a "horror" game, as the player usually felt considerably more empowered. But I found a lot of the mechanics in the game to be quite satisfying. The atmosphere and audio experience were quite effective as well. I really liked the zero-G sections of the game, and the ways in which you could take advantage of your kinesis and time-slowing modules.

    The story was fairly average, but it was very well presented. I appreciated the fact that the game rarely took control from me. The level of NPC interaction was almost nil, but that was never the point. Sequences that could have been quick-time events in other games (such as the occasional tentacle-drag) were kept interactive in this game, allowing me to aim and fire on my own. The game did its best to avoid taking me out of the experience.

    I'm quite excited for the sequel. I just hope they approach it with many of the same principles that they used in producing the original game. I am a little worried that they will go the quick-time route with boss battles. This is a negative trend in modern design that I wish more developers would move away from. I will probably get this as a first-day buy after my positive experience with the original title. I am especially interested in acquiring the PS3 special edition that comes with an upgraded version of Extraction. I played that on the Wii with my little brother and we both enjoyed it.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Just for the co-op, this is a must have :)
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I'm really looking forward to this one. Whether or not it's action, I'll still be picking it up. Probably not day one, but semi early anyway.

    Richard Kain, I hear you on the unreadable text stuff. I hate that devs are doing that, not everyone has HD tv's, let the rest of the world read your god damn text. We paid for the game, let us enjoy it!! Man, that pisses me off...

    Stimpack, thanks for that trailer link, I'm pretty excited for the game again, since I've been avoiding most of the hype surrounding it. Can't wait to play the demo
  • indian_boy
    Didn't want to make a new thread, so just bumping this one.

    Demo is out on XBL [and PSN?].
    At least in north america.

    Been waiting a long time for this.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Yes me too but we EU's have to wait another day :)
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
  • ScudzAlmighty
    It's out in just a couple more weeks :)
    some cool new vids at GT


    Is there some kinda trick to embeded video's? whenever I paste the Embed link I just get a wall of script
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Is there some kinda trick to embeded video's? whenever I paste the Embed link I just get a wall of script

    AFAIK Only youtube embedding is allowed.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    just gonna necro this little thread about.. well Necro's, here.

    Finally had time to install install and play abit, On chapter 7 and I can safely say my earlier fears have been laid to rest pretty thoroughly, there's more action for sure but it feels like a real natural evolution of the gameplay (though i did really enjoy just running for my life in the beginning).

    Played the first one on 360 but this time on pc with headphones and wholly crap does it make a difference to the atmosphere. Everything is just so much creepier this way and it's great. But what I really wanted to say, and the whole reason i brought the thread back is this:

    Holy Fuck the lighting in this game fucking rocks. seriously with the flickering and the smoke and all the other little tricks the lighting is just on a whole other level here and the people that lit this game deserve serious applause.

  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    I have to replay it some day soon :) It's a really awesome game. I agree that this is a good example of a successful 'evolution' of a game/ip and eventhough I miss the survival element I loved pretty much everything about it.

    Dragon age2 on the other hand is probably and equally good example on how NOT to do a sequel. Boy, was that bad and it carries zero or little resemblance to the first game.

    Anyway, back to dead space. I wouldnt mind a DLC and Deadspace 3 will be a day one purchase for me.
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Dead Space 2 left a bitter taste in my mouth... so much so that I'll rant about it on an ancient thread. No matter how cliche game stories can be, it's still what draws me in, story and visuals. While DS2 excelled at visuals and gameplay (except for some boss fights), I felt like the story this time around was a huge letdown. For months I kept hearing Visceral talk about how "big" and "expansive" the sequel was going to be. Maybe in the environments, but the story was more confined than ever! There were like 2 people besides Isaac in the whole game! And those 2 people were RETARDED. Come to think of it, Isaac was pretty stupid as well. The girlfriend crap was already played out on the last game... On top of that, absolutely nothing happened. Seriously. If you beat the game, ask yourself. What happened? Sh*t went down. That's it.
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