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Im new here and i am just starting out

First off, I apologize if i am posting this in a non aprorait section and if that is so, fell free to remove it.

Okay.... I am Matt, I am currently in the 9th grade and i just turned 15. About two years ago, i was on Youtube and i came across a first person weapon reload animation, I got little information on it and i downloaded gmax from Turbosquid.com. I was clueless and had no idea what to do. Evenntualy i got the ver basics, may i mention that i used no tutorials, and i figured everything out on my own. Later i found out about 3ds max, so i downloaded the 3ds max 9 trial and used that for thirty days and when the trial ended, i downloaded it agian and agian untill last year when my grandma bought me 3ds max 2010 and i got a new machine, Asus gaming laptop with a Nvidea Cuda card. It is way better than my old computer and handles everything 10 times better and best of all, its all mine and i can make art without having to worry about 3 other people using it for other stuff. Anways, the animating eventualy led into model making and thats were i am at currently. I still make animations though, mostly first person. I have been modeling for one year now, and i have learned on my own. Only problem is that i don't know if i learned the right way or not, i see all this stuff nnow about poly counts having to be low and everything. I go for detail and relism. i am not someone who likes to make something simple, it has to be very detailed and accurate. I mostly make World War Two models and models of my interests. I have a HUGE interest in WWII and i have a big WWII collection. I have modeled cars, guns, gun parts, houses, props and other things. Even though im only in 9th grade, i am planning and thinking about the future tremendously! I have it planned that i want to go to collage and eventualy work in game deveopment and do things with 3-D Models, Animations and Art. If anyone can give advice, i would appreciate it greatly.

Anyways, Sorry for the novel.. Just want to explaing who and where im at.

Below are some of my work pieces. I already know they are very bad. i have seen other pieces on here that make my stuff look very poor haha.

Keep in mind, these models are 'fun' models, not low poly ones for games.

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  • raul
    Offline / Send Message
    raul polycounter lvl 11
    bullshit ur starting out!! lol Awesome stuff dude! It would be nice to see some wireframes. Dont get fancy, just take screenshots from the viewport and post them up.

    And yeah, screw school computers! lol
  • bounchfx
    like DKK said, age is not an issue here, but it's always good to have goals. just keep at it, hang around, and you're bound to pick up a lot of tricks and knowledge. you've got a good start.
  • jmiles
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    jmiles interpolator
    Agreed w/ bounchfx-- ya got some good stuff mate.. just keep at it..
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nice start so far man. Like others have said, age mention isn't really appropriate, but its great your getting started so young. I only wish I had started at a younger age.

    Right, so your work looks decent so far. I have to say, that the purpose of the pimping and preview thread is to get critiques on your ART. If you are looking to learn how to model, what polycounts are acceptable, etc. Then that's really a more technical thing, and you don't need people to tell you about that. Actually, you really shouldn't need to start a thread at all for that. The internet is literally crammed with information, on everything and anything you need to be a technical guru in the video game world.

    I'm glad you are getting active though, so start posting a proper wip. Make a gun, or tank that would fit in a game engine, and looks really nice for example.

    You can look up Racer on polycount here, for tutorials on that. Basically, start a WIP thread, and get crits as you go. You will learn a ton, and if this is your passion you will have a lot of fun in the process. Good luck man, welcome to Polycount! :)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I started modeling around 15, too. Well, I hated 3D at first, but grew to love it (kinda miss my flash animation/games days). But anyway, keep modeling, start texturing! get some goals.
  • P442
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    P442 polycounter lvl 8
    your grandma owns!
    nice work here, keep it up
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    the owen has some inaccuracies, but being a level 70 australian I'm really nitpicky about owenguns.

    [would you like to know more?]
  • griffinax
    Awesome models mate! And by awesome I mean at YOUR age. They say age doesn't matter, but thats for older people who just want themselves to feel alright for starting out late. :P So yes, starting out that early is a huge advantage. You'll develop habits which will help you after your awareness awakens.
    On a relatively quarterly side note :P: I got my first computer at 20, I learned how to operate it for a year and then started 3d at 21, I'm 22 right now. No kidding xD
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Great stuff mate, looks really nice for a starter I'd say. :D Better than what I created when I started out so.
    griffinax wrote: »
    Awesome models mate! And by awesome I mean at YOUR age. They say age doesn't matter, but thats for older people who just want themselves to feel alright for starting out late. :P So yes, starting out that early is a huge advantage. You'll develop habits which will help you after your awareness awakens.
    On a relatively quarterly side note :P: I got my first computer at 20, I learned how to operate it for a year and then started 3d at 21, I'm 22 right now. No kidding xD

    That's an interesting story mate, I started out around 10 months ago so I'm pretty late into the curve as well.
  • woogity
    Welcome! and great start, post some wires on here for sure, and keep cranking the work out, its lucky you started so young but as everyone has said age isnt really an issue, if you've been working for 2 years then you've been working for 2 years regardless of age. anyways stuff looks great and defiantly good to get started when you have the kinda free time that you do at your age. nice stuff for wholly self taught too.
  • Mark Dygert
    Welcome to polycount =)
    bounchfx wrote: »
    like DKK said, age is not an issue here
    ...but maturity is. You seem to have some skill and some maturity so I think you'll get along fine. =)

    I didn't bother reading the brick-o-text at the top but it looks like you could use some pointers on creating UV's and making materials?
  • Seth
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    Seth polycounter lvl 18
    Good good good!

    Congratulations on a number of things:

    -Starting out at a young age!

    I just wanted to chime in and drop you some encouragement. For 15 you've got a fantastic start with the basics of modeling. I started out at a young age as well (14) and if you put enough work into this nothing will block you from picking this up as a career. It took me 5 years of hardcore practice, but I got my first full time on-site position with a studio at 19, and have been working full-time in the industry for the last 5 years. So keep at it, and stay passionate. Soak up as much info as possible and never stop learning. It can be done, you just need to want it bad enough.

  • dang87
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    dang87 polycounter lvl 12
    Looking pretty good, lil buddy! Keep at it and you'll be kicking ass soon! :) Welcome btw.
  • cadyw
    dayum go kid! try to get some wireframe shots in there too so we can see how you're building them. and may I recommend, always approach your projects from a unique viewpoint. there's a million billion WWII gun/tank CG things, and to me it's a little snore. try to find the weird and interesting ways to show off your interest and skills (I was just watching this AWESOME show about the testing of the nuclear bomb at Bikini Atoll, and Japanese warships were insanely cool and eastern looking!)
  • Asteric
    For 15(i myself am too) you have some really solid stuff! Welcome to polycount, need anything, let me know, or PM me.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    You know I almost didn't click this thread since these "i'm new" threads are always the same, but I was pleasantly surprised. Your stuff looks decent, and I have a lot to compare with since I teach 3D to people who start from nothing. Proportions and accuracy seem good, your renders are easy on the eye, and most importantly, you've got the motivation to do and learn this!
    My advice, going by what I see here:

    -Try and learn some more advanced modeling, with difficult polyflow. Something like an airplane, but try and refrain from shoving shaped together and model them as a single piece if that's what they are in real life.
    -Get into unwrapping and texturing. I know easier said than done, but so many new artists don't get past becoming good modelers and still fail at texturing. Don't let it happen.
    -and yeah maybe you shouldn't mention your age. Not that it matters, but it's just kinda strange to put that into your signature.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Very nice stuff I also teach 3d for beginners and you've got some really nice work there man. Your age doesn't matter but it's good for you to start off so young, I started as stated above somewhere around 10 months ago so you've got a lot of time to get awesome. It's all about discipline and staying motivated, as Xoliul said do some high-poly modelling, get into texturing and unwrapping there are a lot of tutorials out there, don't be afraid to ask for more help here or other forums.

    There are also some decent books out there that you might be interested to buy!
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