I was wondering if there is an attribute in game engines to set real-time reflection blur of a cube map? Or must each separate cube map image be manually blurred in Photoshop before you take it into cubemapgen?
As most metal seems to have reflection blur I'd like to figure out the proper way of doing this.
As far as I know, only statically and globally. You can't switch the MIP level with a function. Not even with custom code, since you can't custom code an asset node, which is essentially just the sampling fuction.
Chrome for example is basically a mirror, but all metals can be thought of as chrome. When you add surface roughness, in tandem with how its aged, how its oxidized; that's what makes metal come in all shapes and sizes.
Anyways! Just my opinion. I know it can be tough when it comes to talking with graphics programmers, "Oh yeah that feature is cool but you know, we might not want to use it because it would look too accurate, huh, okay, letme explain what I mean ..."
pior, actually we are doing this and its awesome, we have an attribute called cube map bias and what it does is the less bias you use the more of a hotspot you get and less of a reflection. so at a value of -4 you only see the circles of the lights reflected and not the buildings and stuff so it looks like standard spec. essentially it is just changing the exposure of the cubemap, if its hdr this is pretty easy to do. i find overall it looks much better,. if you have a room with multiple light sources you get realistic hilights. for each shader we can do this and blur the cubemap as much as we want, i find it much more flexible than the traditional method, and the results are just better.
That would depend on the color of your diffuse. If your diffuse is black then yes. The diffuse should operate as a clamp in such situations. Any color on the cube map that isn't brighter than the diffuse, shouldn't show.
I.E. reflections should never darken anything further than the diffuse color.
thats why chrome =
Diffuse : black
Spec : white
Gloss : white
these lips:
Diffuse : pink
Spec : white
Gloss : white
Does that sound right? - crap now i`m second guessing myself. Gonna to some tests when I get a chance
Also, not sure how things work outside of my proprietary world :P