Hey polycount, I proposed to my girlfriend with a game I made with some friends. You can see the proposal vid here:
There's some more info up on my website, but I'm currently trying to find somewhere/someone who can host the actual unity web player game so that people can actually play it and see what its all about. Preferably a server that can withstand a digging if you catch my drift

EDIT: BTW, my GF..err, fiancee... bet me months ago that I couldn't become "famous" within the year. We've agreed that if I can get 100k views on the video that I win the bet.
Edit: Now it works. Congrats! That's a damn fine way to propose.
I love the beard by the way, that's how the amish roll in my town... I'm workin on one too HA
good thing that you didn't get any crashes :P and gratz
Reminds me of back in the day during my WoW days people were proposing in-game haha. We even had a mock up ceremony and bachelor party
BTW nice combination of a hipster and sea explorer(the beard and cap)!
Very original, and cute, haha.
And yes, love the beard.
Anyone have a friend in the gaming media or some other outlet that could host and embed the <2mb unity web build?
Congrats man!
How much traffic are you thinking of?
Would dropbox work?
@oxynary: I'd like to see if I can get a digging/reddit going and/or get a few news outlets to mention me..I don't know how much traffic that could drive - tens of thousands of hits?
.... just kidding, congrats! :-)
Congrats man, that video is awesome!
I got it working on dropbox. You can play the game over on my website:
@Monster: that sounds totally, totally awesome. Care to share?