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Troubleshoot: Multiplayer Co-operative Shooter Seeks Talented Individuals


Project name:

Brief description:
Troubleshoot is a fast-paced co-operative shooter that consists primarily of a team of players working together to take down a large enemy/boss. Players must work together as bosses cannot be brought down by normal means, but only by attacking tactical points and areas. Players employ a various array of high-tech weaponry including standard issue assault rifles, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, and many unique weapon types specific to the Troubleshoot universe.

When not battling monstrous foes, players can customize their "class," whether they want to be right in the face of the monster, or want to play a support role for others. Troubleshoot is backed by an extremely deep RPG-type system, where players are given freedom to customize their character in nearly every sense, from weapons to equipment to special abilities and perks. Additional unlocks are awarded through a skill-based achievement system, constantly rewarding players for their improvement and successes.

Feature Set

* An experience like none other. Combine planning, teamwork, and strategy with fast-paced shooter action in epic battles against massive enemies.
* Large number of available customization options, allowing you to customize your character to your exact desired playstyle.
* Skill-based unlock system rewards players for improving their abilities and keeps players coming back for more to get that next unlock.
* Team-based environment creates a need for cooperation and tactics to accomplish a greater goal.
* Original sci-fi universe brings unique and incredible environments, weapons, characters, and beasts.
* Never fight the same way twice. Each boss has a unique ability set and players must adapt to succeed, even on a boss they've killed 100 times before.
* End-of-level Rating system rates players of their contribution and skill level for each fight, making great competition between friends and keeping players coming back with a desire to improve.
* Multiple difficulty levels, each with unique ability additions to a specific boss, adding even more strategy to the table aside from additional HP and damage

Target aim:
PC - Digital Release

If the project is released for profit, all members will receive proper compensation.

While we are currently deciding between Leadwerks and Esenthel, Leadwerks is currently the front runner.

Leadwerks is currently Windows only and is coded primarily in C++ (or Bliztmax) with scripting in LUA. Leadwerks does contain unofficial support for pretty much any language however so long as it can load a DLL. Troubleshoot will be focusing on C++ to keep things consistent, but the options are there.

This is a great opportunity to experiment with a near-professional engine. Whether we go with Esenthel or Leadwerks, both are similar to what you'll run into in the commercial market and goes great on any resume looking to get into commercial development. This is also a fantastic opportunity for 3D artists as you can finally go from models to real-time renders on an incredible looking engine.

Talent needed:
2 Programmers: Troubleshoot is being developed on the cutting edge Leadwerks engine. Working on Troubleshoot grants you access to this incredible engine, providing invaluable experience and knowledge for a portfolio. Leadwerks is primarily coded in C++ (can use Blitzmax as well, but most know C++ better than Blitzmax anyway). Scripting is done in LUA.

2-3 Concept Artists: We are actively searching for both environment and character/monster concept artists at this time. Troubleshoot is based primarily on a sci-fi, technology filled world. Environments are extremely well-varied, and there are plenty of unique/massive monsters to design, giving you a large freedom to go in your own direction.

3-4 3D Artists: Modelers will need to become familiar with the Leadwerks pipeline (though it is fairly simple for 3DSMax, and only requires some basic fidgeting for Maya). We are currently in search of environment/prop and character/monster models at this time. Leadwerks does include an extremely robust world editor for Modelers as well as a great custom shader and render system, and learning something like this would look great on a resume.

1 Animator: As we are in the early stages, we currently do not have any models to animate at this time, however, we wanted to begin our search early for when the need does arise. This allows you to join the team now and contribute your design ideas, as well as possibly participate in non-animating tasks, such as developing a mini-trailer for marketing purposes, though this is not required.

2D Menu/GUI Artist: This is our Photoshop guru. Jobs include anythibng from logos and buttons for the website to the actual in-game interface. Knowledge of interface philosophy and a creative imagination are a plus.

1 Level Designer: Level design in Leadwerks is done through the world editor. We prefer someone who has some basic scripting or coding knowledge and is willing to learn the in's and out's out the Leadwerks pipeline for level building, but this is not required. This position could also comprise of basic level flow and design, so if you are more of a level designer through paper and drawing, we are possibly open to this as well.

1 Writer/Designer: At our current stage, one of our major needs is to flesh out the universe of Troubleshoot. While a story won't play a huge role, we'd at least like some form of coherence between bosses and a consistent world to fight them in. This includes environments, weapons, characters, etc. Someone with the ability to turn a mental image into words is a huge plus, as a large majority of your duty will be conveying to concept artists exactly what you want. Lastly, this position involves creative ideas regarding character abilities, as well as the most important game aspect, the boss designs. (i.e. boss appearance, abilities, movement style, etc.)

As of now, we are not looking for any music, composing, or sound effects, just a little too early to be focusing on things of that nature. Sorry!

Team structure:
Chandler Thomlison - Co-producer/Designer/Webmaster/Paying for the engine :D
Sean Campbell - Co-producer/Technical Advisor/Assistant Programmer/Designer
Gauthier Viau - Programmer



AIM: ChandlerLT2
MSN: Chandler-T@hotmail.com
E-Mail: Chandler-T@hotmail.com

Previous Work by Team:
Troubleshoot was a previous project of mine that failed primarily due to lack of time, the fact that it was a mod, and a lack of co-leadership. My first step in starting this new project was finding a dedicated individual to step in my place when I'm not able to monitor things 24/7 and I've done that with Sean. You'll find that this is an extremely well-organized and focused team. You can find my old developer's blog to provide you an idea of my leadership skills here: Developer's Blog

You can find Sean's leadership and technical knowledge demonstrated at his forum: VB.NET Forum (Page 1)

And some of his creative skills here: FireSickle.com

Additional Info:
The new Troubleshoot is the child of an old project of mine under the same title. We've changed a few concepts, including the use of a professional engine instead of creating a Mod through Source and the main gameplay from Competitive to Cooperative. Troubleshoot previously failed due to me being overwhelmed as I was single-handedly managing all aspects of the project and I simply ran out of time in a day. With new time opened up in my schedule, as well as newfound knowledge, I set out to find someone who could bear the weight with me. Troubleshoot is back and better than ever with a new concept and new goals. If anything shows our commitment to this, its that we are purchasing licenses for the team(these aren't that cheap!), and going with the best option for the project rather than the cheapest.

We believe that this can be a highly successful project and hope that by this post, you believe it will be too. We are seeking highly skilled and committed developers looking to further their experience in the game creation field, not people who will fail to meet deadlines without proper notice.

As a side note, most images found on the website are from the previous project and while they will likely be close to our intended and final style, may not be used in a final product.



Previous thread viewed here:Unique Concept Shooter LF Dedicated/Skilled Individuals - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums
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