Hi guys! First post here on polycount
I want to start off by showing you my new FULLY textured model! I have very little experience when it comes to texturing, so thought I should do something about it, and try to improve.
I started on this model for a mini comp over at
game-artist.net, but never finished it in time. Its probably more than half a year since I started on this model lol (yes im slow).
I would love to have some feedback on the texture, and the model too ofc, if any
I tried to keep it as new and clean-looking as possible, but that was harder than I thought. It just didnt look right, so had to add a lot of scratches a grunge in the end...
In-game model:
High poly:
Low poly wire:
1. how is this afixed to the wall?...i know the idea is that it should be comming out of the wall but find some way to show that...looks weird floating there...
2. work on the texture of the sheet inside...it looks like a lump of marshmallow :P
3. this might just be subjective but the bulbous thing on the side kinda bothers me...looks outta place...maybe it should be smaller of a different color or somethin'.
that look is mostly achieved through games shaders, and for the most part ambient occlusion baking and light maps.
There's a reason games these days all take place is ruined environments, it's because muck is the only thing that has really looked good until just recently.
If you want this object to look clean and new, make it the way you would expect it to be. Clean, and with clean textures. But like you said it just doesn't look right. That's expected, so find a solution in your shader library. Experiment. Environment maps, ramps, shaders with rim lights, and BRDF capabilities are amazing to make 'clean' stuff.
Your fallback is to bake lighting into the texture, which will plant it in the world, regardless of how it looks. Games with lightmap baking are good for that.
Remember that you can do anything, so long as the game supports the capability. You're not limited to just phong, normal maps, and spec.
I noticed now that there must be something wrong with the mesh, if you take a look at the sheet. I had some problem exporting my .obj file. Some polys where gone and there were seams (in toolbag). The sheet looks way better on the low poly render in Max. Btw, is there no way to render reflection in toolbag?
That sucks. Why did you get disqualified?? :poly134: