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Roger Wilco, Space Janitor Extraordinaire

Hey guys, I've just finished the modern game character creation workshop over at cgsociety with Jon Rush. As usual with these things, you never get them finished on time thanks to real life, so I'm posting here to continue my motivation and hopefully get some nice and much needed critique to help me finish this project!

The brief was to choose an old school game character and turn them into a next gen version with your own spin. I chose Roger Wilco from the old Sierra Space Quest series which was a lot of fun :)

Here's one of my initial concept sketches that i went with ->

And here's where I'm at right now!

th_Roger_Xoliol_Shader_Test2_half.jpg th_Roger_Xoliol_Shader_Test2_Persp2.jpg th_Roger_Xoliol_Shader_Test2_half_Wire.jpg th_Roger_Xoliol_Shader_Test2_half_W-1.jpg

Kinda half way through texturing at the moment and haven't even thought about rigging or pose yet. The screenshots are using Xolioul's latest viewport shader (thanks again Xolioul!)

Model stats -
* Character is 8890 tris and all the accessories hanging off him are 12,918 tris
* 2 x 4096 diffuse / Spec / Normal / Glow
* Head and clothes done in Zbrush and Hard surface stuff in Max. Normal Map baking done in Max.

I have also made a Dias, Raygun and helmet to possibly be used in the final images as well depending on the pose i go for I guess.
th_wip_26thJan2010_02.jpg th_Raygunsies.jpgth_wip_26thJan2010_03.jpg

I hope you like! Critique much needed because i've been staring at him for way too long! :\

ps.. i'm not too worried about polycounts as this is more a portfolio piece.


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