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StarCraft II Editor - MASTER THREAD

ngon master
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ZacD ngon master
Lets get some info and tutorials written up for this, I'm sure a lot of people want to see how powerful it is.
Its only currently available to beta testers.

Cool sites to look at

General UI

The editor is divided in 7 "layers" terrain, Units, Doodads, Points, Regions, Cameras, and Pathing.
And 6 modules Terran, Triggers, Data, Text, Import, and over view.

  • Terran mode allows the blending of 7 terrain textures, height variation, 3 levels of cliffs (flat, cliffs, high cliffs, and low uplayable canyons) there's also water, and 2 cliff types

Space switches between dropping/drawing and selection mode

Mouse wheel is zoom, ctrl right click is rotate. shift right click is also zoom and alt right click is vertical panning.

Holding down shift "force places" units

Custom Assets INFO

.m3 seems to be the only model type it can import or export, if anyone has any experience with this file type please fill us in and how to export to that file type.

There's some cinematics and animation stuff to mess with in the editor, I don't know if its only game cinematics, or if it allows you to do in game cut scenes like blizzard has show cased.


Here's 2 cool asset "mods"

custom/replaced? terrain tileset

Texture replacement for zerg


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