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3DS Max 2010 (x64) Crash on Undo? [aggain]

polycounter lvl 14
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THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
I've searched and found some stuff but the latest thread is about 7 months old.
So I think I might bring this up aggain, asking for current sollutions/tricks/downlaods/etc..

My situation:
I recently switched to Win7 64bit, bevore that I used Vista 32bit.
Now on my 3DS Max 2010 (x64) Install I often encounter a crash when hitting the undo button. Mostly it crashes when I thit the undo button multiple times.
I got SP 1 installed and the latest hotfix from 2010.02.17. Also have plenty of scripts on it but it crashes even when I do not undo script operations.

What's with you guys, still got that problem or did I miss something?
I also wonder why there are barely any threads about this.


  • Eric Chadwick
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    Don't use undo in Max, unless you're ready to risk a crash. Max has always had trouble with its undo system.

    If you want you can set your autobak interval to something more often, like every 5 minutes. Big files mean slow saves though.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I had this today actually. ..pain in the ass.. 2009 had some funny undo history loss problems but it rarely crashed for me.

    what are your system specs. pehaps we have something in common.
    Macbook pro core2 t9300 2.5hz
    windows 7 64 bit
    Geforce 8600 gts 512mb
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Win7 x64
    Intel Core 3i 530 2x2.93GHz
    5,00GB RAM
    ASUS Mainboard
    ATI Radeon HD 5570 1GB

    Nope, nothing in common :S

    Strange that the old x32 did not encounter that undo crash... at least not often enought that I could remember.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Don't use Max, unless you're ready to risk a crash.

    Fixed the quote for you! I set my auto backup to every 2 mins, and I am very glad I did. Autobak has saved me so many hours of potentially lost work, it really is the best counter measure for all the shit that causes max to crash so often.

    By the way, a surefire way to cause a undo crash in max for me is to select a bunch of border edges (for example, a loop at the end of an open cylinder) and then shift-drag-scale them on any axis other than the "central XYZ" axis.
    This will cause you to basically extrude a new set of edges directly on top your selection. From this point onwards, your undo history is fucked and when you start undoing, something will go wrong.

    So when that happens I save a new iteration (just in case) and then restart max.
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    Yozora wrote: »
    By the way, a surefire way to cause a undo crash in max for me is to select a bunch of border edges (for example, a loop at the end of an open cylinder) and then shift-drag-scale them on any axis other than the "central XYZ" axis.
    This will cause you to basically extrude a new set of edges directly on top your selection. From this point onwards, your undo history is fucked and when you start undoing, something will go wrong.

    I've been working on a guns barrel when the crash occured.
    So yeh, cylinder extruding. That could actualy be it, nice hint, thanks ;)
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    perna wrote: »
    Just... Wow.

  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    not wanting to teach gandma to suck eggs or whatever but have you checked you're up to date with service packs and so-on for the relevant version? Mine is behaving well since I am up to date (touching wood!)

    I have in the past possibly been the person who didnt update both versions and then was wondering why all the bugs were back... ;-)
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
  • THE 5
    Offline / Send Message
    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    cw wrote: »
    not wanting to teach gandma to suck eggs or whatever but have you checked you're up to date with service packs and so-on for the relevant version? Mine is behaving well since I am up to date (touching wood!)

    I have in the past possibly been the person who didnt update both versions and then was wondering why all the bugs were back... ;-)

    Yeh, already said so on the first post.
    Got SP1 and the latest hotfix.
    Do I need the older (pre-servicepack) hotfixes too, or are they included in S1?
    The hotfix actualy does not work if onyl one version is patched with SP1.
    So yes, all stuff is on the 32 and 64 versions.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Hehehe, yeah maybe that was a bit extreme. I do use Undo all the time. I just don't rely on it for stability.
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