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Arg the dreaded Hard Edge in Z Brush problem + Alpha's

polycounter lvl 9
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Binxx polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys i'm working on this character, and was wondering on how to make the hard edges on the base of her clothes, it seems like whenever I divide the edges seem to get more and more dull. I have put some edge loops around the mesh but it seems to still dull, if you guys could help me out it would be greatly appreciated.


PS another quick question i have is how to make an alpha. My failed attempt is shown below ><
>< the background is still visible. Was wondering how to simply get the stroke and not the square background.

And as always, thanks in advance, you guys have been a great help!


  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    my 2p worth:

    for the hard edges, use masks and sculpt it or alternatively remodel the mesh with support edges or whatnot in max/maya and re-import. I would say just sculpt though, it's not too complicated a shape to tidy up.

    For the alpha, you grab the whole area not just the raised bit, so either edit that alpha in PS or edit in the alpha palette the 'mid value' which is the grey value which is 0 height. If you nudge it a bit you will find that rectangle goes away. remember to save the brush if you need to use it again or you'll have to go over those steps again! :)

    good luck!
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