Getting into it a little more everyday. Esp more because I need to use it for my advanced Flash course [which is seriously the hardest course I've ever taken besides math lol] where we basically design the whole website in PS and then crop up the images we want to use for animation or navigation, etc.
1. When I bring in an image sometimes PS immediately locks the image and I can't add a layer mask or do anything to the image. Why does this happen and how can I make it not do that?
2. I've downloaded some brushes and have been using them, custom tribal things. I notice that when I use them and I have say a white background layer, the brush doesn't full cut out the white of it's brush... meaning the edges aren't crisp. The white is sort of full of the surrounding image I brushed out, like it's not filling correctly?
3. Can I rotate brushes at all? I can't seem to figure that out.
Thank you!
2. sounds like you're either using a tablet and the pressure sensitivity / the opacity is set too low or perhaps you have the hardness of the brush set to soft. Perhaps the brush had a soft edge to begin with. Check your brush settings press F5. Not really sure what you mean. Try what I suggested and post pics if that doesn't help.
3. Brush settings F5 and change angle/width etc there.