Started a new project based off a concept I did a loooong time ago. Think I put it in one of the sketch threads that was here a while back. Its an elephant dragon (dragophant? elegon?) and it's rider.

Ive started on the rider first, nearly got him ready to be sculpted on. Theres a few placeholder things and other bits that need adding. As you can see the armour style and general feel between rider and dragon are different - i've decided to take it more 'persian war elephant' style and less lord of the rings.
After ive got the rider good and ready for sculpting think i'm going to block out the dragon next and do some paintovers to come up with another concept I'm happy with and which fits better!

^So here's what I have so far, I tested the mudbox2011 turnaround render so Ive put the resulting vid up on youtube. Updates to come soon! Comments/ideas etc welcome.
[ame][/ame] (view in hd!) Oh ye, can someone tell me how to embed the video within the post?

Edit - Magic, it does it automaticaly!
also beef the body up more of the phant
something closer to this size would be awesome
though i have a hard time believing those wings could get it to glide, let alone fly. they sort of look tacked onto a cool concept, instead of part of a creature that has evolved to fly.
rider looks cool
Blocking the new dragonphant out, with a much larger scale like Rhinokey posted. More on that soon!
With the scale being so much bigger now, having more people on top is called for!
Been messing with a redesigned rider, and turning the old one into an archer. The rider sits in the most vunerable posistion controlling the phant hence his heavy armour! Both are still just at base mesh/pre sculpt and detail stage. Want to get the dragonphant blocked out before I push on and commit to them.
More updates soon.
Also that the elephants wings in the concept don't feel powerful enough (you've probably already decided this yourself, I just wanted to say b/c I really wanna see this cool idea turn out great)
Those 2 characters look very interesting. This whole thing looks pretty exotic!
James + woogity - I agree with your comments about the dragon, but like I said it's getting a big redesign at the moment so never fear!
Haha I like the hug of death, I can imagine him hooking people with the chains then dragging them in for a squeeze :P
Yes, yes he can. Monkey radar system, spots and points out targets!
Got time to work on this again this week, so hopefully i'll get more of the dragon done and post up my progress soon!
Thanks for the crits + great ideas! I loved the new tail idea, so I tried to make it fit with the rider's gear, like sXe Seany mentioned.
Probably not the most practical design I know and it isnt very subtle! Im still playing around with it :P I'll fix the feet and hands at some point as well.
I'm having lots of fun with this stuff, even though jumping around from character to character isnt very practical in terms of getting some finished art, it seem's like i'm not losing any motivation like I usualy do with personal work.
Cheers for the comments again.
Looking great man lol...
When I saw the title I was like 'you what?', but this... Loving the armour on the rider bloke, and agreed on the scale of the dragon. Looks wicked.
hope your doing well!
I made this thread nearly 3 years ago, gah thats so depressing! Not really sure what happened, think it was a busy time and I ended up moving onto different projects.
I was going through my work on my HD and found this bunch of work, I really like how the rider was looking so..
I no longer use mudbox, so today I've transfered him into Zbrush and started working away into the armour. Some parts are still just block in, theres so much to do on him. Some things look way off like the shin armour and boots / gloves, they need reshaping or remodelling really.
As for the rider / monkey / dragophant, i'll deal with them perhaps after the main dude
New zbrush transfer (ha i've always thought the mudbox viewport grabs look a lot nicer in general, but I can work on that
mudbox bases for ref-