UPDATE: Added some of my more recent work and moved everything on to a single page.

new version can be found here
Original post:
I decided to update my portfolio while I had some time to spare. I'd appreciate any comments on the site itself or its content.
The design of the site is pretty basic, I tried to keep it clean and simple. I'm planning on adding a page for my CV and some personal info later on.
The content is quite diverse at the moment. I was considering adding some 2D work (mostly photographs, drawings and graphic designs) as well, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not?
I like it.
Veresk SR-2m
The metal has gone through some wear and tear for sure, but the polymer looks like it just came from the injection mold.
The edges are still very crisp, its very clean, all the bump is still relatively uniform, no signs of wear at all. I would expect to see smooth(er) spots on the polymer at least where someones hands would most likely rest. I would also expect the edges to have rounded off some and not be nearly as crisp with use.
Valley of the Shadows
Originally I thought this was a complete model of your's, however, I noticed you're comment after looking at it the 3rd time. For a level it looks pretty cool, the only thing that gets me is the very bottom picture. There are like 7 lanterns close together and then one off by itself. All of the lanterns close together are diferent colors/intensities. To me it just seems like placing assets really qucik to try and add some color variation or it was a line up of your lanterns you were using and you forgot to delete them before rendering. I realize that with lanterns of that style they can be everywhere, but if thats the idea I say spread them out and literally litter the alley with them and turn the emmisve bloom down
Game Prototype - Bomb Run
Couldn't even get it to work, most likely an Opera problem, but I honestly didn't find myself that interested either.
Game Prototype - Criminal Carnage
Looks pretty slick. I'd like to see a more detailed breakdown of what you did and screenshots/etc. of those assets. (understandable you can't do that with code)
Extreme Utility Vehicle ++ Black & Decker RD1441k
I like them. good clean, crisp. Though I would like to see a nice clean Material render to just look at the models.
Suggestions Overall
I'd like to see at least a composite of your material flats, the compositing of spec+normal+dif into one sheet--I find looks nice.
I agree about wanting to see wires, I know you have them on the mig, but I'd also like to see them for the gun.
Tell me what position you want, I have no idea what you're looking for.
I agree with the "realtime" "Game pro" being redundant. I'd suggest something like this Paint Over
Overall, I like your work.
The site layout is +1--big thumbnails, no lightbox/flash.
Also your site started acting pretty buggy for me while I was writing this and fliping back and forth between pages (slowly at that).
Images stopped loading, or started taking a very long time to load. Could just be my connection at the moment or Opera acting up though.
I'll take everything that's been said into account and make changes once I have some more spare time.
Did anyone else have a problem with getting the unity web player to work? My guess is that it doesn't support Opera yet.
Since I'm on the look out for an internship, I decided to update my portfolio once again.
I've added several new pages for programming and 2D related projects and one for my resume. I've also made the changes that people suggested before
Edit: nevermind, working now. Awesome stuff, not really qualified to crit, but it all looks good to me
Oops, fixed
Also funny to see where you got the layout for your resume
I plead guilty :poly122:
Website itself is also very easy to navigate.
Much appreciated
I'm planning on adding some technical art tutorials later on, but haven't found the time to write any of them down.