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Animation Demo Reel

polycounter lvl 13
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kream polycounter lvl 13
Hey all,

Here's my latest Animation Reel. Been a while since i posted any work up here, my last studio got shut down, so im back on the portfolio work... Any crits would be appreciated.

This is mostly current stuff, but still need to add/edit a few things in here.




  • Compo
    Looking like you got some good work in it to me, just a few small things.

    The walk cycle for the human in the middle of your reel it seems a little bit like hes gliding along, maybe needs a little more up and down movment in his body. To me it could also be a second or two longer, he only takes 4 steps and just seems a bit too short to judge its quality on 4 steps, had to scrub the video several times.

    Maybe just me also but would like to see the lip sync scene as one piece instead of two, to show a nice flowing little scene instead of feeling broken up.

    One final nit picking I guess thing, sorry :( is the music, yes I know everyones computer volume setting is differnet but mine is pretty low and that was waaay too loud. It isn't gonna be a good impression if you blast the HR's ears.
  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    You should work on your lip-sync more cuz it doesn't fit real well with the scene.

    Also in the fight scene I cant tell if the little due is supposed to be rolling or jumping out of the way.

    The Ork walk-cycle looks really stiff too.

    hope this helps.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    I really dig the transforming car - its real nice, I also like the flying piece.

    I feel like the very first clip needs work, he doesn't quite get high enough on the flip for the rotation to be believable, he's a little guy so you've really gotta exaggerate that flip for him. Also I'd say rotate the torso more when he flips over the guy so he feels like he completed the spin.

    Drop the rowing clip, I don't think it adds anything - buts thats MHO...

    I dig the first attack piece, but the second one I think could benefit from some camera shake when he's yelling, I know you can get some nice cinematography going based on that Car Transformer piece so get it going ;-)

    The follow through on the trolls hair is a little bit too slow, i think the walk itself is ok though.

    Like i said I love the flying piece.

    The dialogue is decent, could use some tweaks but its pretty good (tweaks as in sometimes the mouth shapes are slow to match - but thats being really picky)

    All in all good job, just my 2 cents. take it or leave it. :-D
  • kream
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    kream polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for the crits. You pretty much nailed my thoughts on the reel as well, just needed that second or third opinion. I'll be editing it in the days to come, and reposting.

    Sorry for the high volume, i'll edit that as well, didnt realize on my end.
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