If your into that kind of thing anyway... just fancied scultping a rather large women for a change, still not to sure what to do with her though, might just throw her into a nice skin tight costume of some kind. new batman maybe?
Hands look a bit stubby from this angle, but all crits welcome. Will post more updates soon, but i'm going to go sleep...
try and keep the z intensity down next time :P
for outfit, [looks at Rens picture] ah cat maybe, catwoman!
Hahahahahahahah lol. This made me laugh
The way the parts fall together makes the whole thing look like a mal proportioned blow up doll.
no seriously, you can salvage this. What is see needs work right away is the head looks ike a baby, and the knees are all wrong, and in general it does not feel like fat as much as it does rubber, so try to give more of a sense of gravity here, but you can make this work, also try to build it up a little more subtle like, looks a bit now like its lumpy from too high of z-intensity.
and to make it look more like fat look at stretch marks
on a side note are you going in on wednessday?
but seriously I think her arms need more flab to match her body, torso and legs look nice and bubbly.