So I was looking at Mass Effect today, and noticed a few things regarding it's artistic style. Why is it that the specular and bloom is totally overboard? I must admit is gives a real nice effect. But sometimes I feel it is too much, I can't even see the textures properly since there is constant light blasting in my eyes. Is this style Bioware/Mass Effect specific?
Kindof part & parcel of the (broad) design style that Mass Effect takes its cues from, retro-futurism.
uly: nice pics....mass effect rips from syd mead violently. but hey, s'not a bad thing to rip from. right?
See those horizontal light rays? That originates from star trek if I'm not mistaken. I've noticed the same light pattern when looking directly at a sun.
Just like the cold warm contrast (those orange blue colored grading style) and other things this will become less the way it is used today as soon as designers get over it.
It's actually very difficult to direct with it and was completely deliberate. The thing is that its a lot easier to control in a game engine than in rl so I'm guessing we'll see it a lot more in games. Either way, its an artistic choice that kind of sells the sci fi. It's cleaner than bloom that's for sure...
People said that Bladerunner had wayyyy to much lens flare, but looking at it now its just such a big part of the art direction it HAS to be there:
I personally like it when its an artistic choice thats thought through, but its totally lame idea when people add it to their games for the sake of it and it just doesn't belong.
Unfortunately most games just half-ass it with a single sprite quad - there's a lot of intricate stuff going on inside of the lens that sells it, and makes it look organic.
Having a seperate buffer that is only for lens flares I guess gives more control, but wouldn't just dynamically work on anything that goes insanely bright.
Might give this technique a go, depending what title I end up working on next.
Watch several movies and TV shows these days and you will see the same "style" cross over. Even Stargat Universes Soundtrack is now a total rip of ME's, and Tron: Legacies soundtrack so far is pretty much a carbon copy (Listen to the trailer music and then the Normandy ambient track, spot on).
As for the original post about things being overused, its standard. New tech comes out, but new tech is expensive. Rather than keep it subtle, they shove it in your face. Env mapping? Normal mapping? Bloom? Its all been "found", and then shoved into our faces so much that you KNOW its there. Spec mapping being over used is just another one. Add to that most games still have no real control over specual power, scale and colour and that most of then just greyscale the diffuse, and yeah, its gonna look a tad crap. Shame really, as spec in many ways is most important to the selling of a surface material.
Anyway, prepare yourself for excessive vignette, dof, noise, chromatic aberrations, lens distortions, colored and gradient filters to come in the following years.
i feel sad that such wonderful tools of photography such as vignieting, lens distortions, colour filters etc. are not used much in our games. These are part of visual story telling and it is a shame that photography and its techniques are ignored so badly!
Also ME didn't rip Syd Mead.
Yes some designs were inspired from some of his classic masterpieces.. but you got to admit that Syd Mead has inspired generations over generations with his iconic future. He pretty much defined the way future should look like. Even the space shuttle design is inspired by his designs
I like lens effects they add to the pretense that you are looking through a camera at something, which for Sci-fi can really help if what you are looking at is blatantly fictional.
they can also help make a more interesting image if half your screen is er stars
the "overuse" of bloom spec and lens effects in ME2 is also in my mind due to the high contrast environment of space, the greater the contrast the harder it is to control lens effects, this is true in real life and reflected quite well ME2, maybe pushed a little
~ Yeah, I never said anything about ME ripping Syd Mead though maybe just inspired by. I was just stating that lens flare was a big part of Bladerunner, and added to its sci fi feel just like Star Trek and ME. I was just saying its an art choice that some people either like or they don't but its quite deliberate.
I don't put them on every single light source but when used in the correct places they add so much to the scene. That blue beam is very iconic to the Mass Effect look and yes, Syd Mead is heavily referenced although not slavishly copied.
I've never minded Mass Effect's use of bloom and flare. Believe it or not, to me it evokes a lot of similarity to Apollo and early Shuttle-era NASA footage, when they were still using compact film cameras with lenses made for durability and weight instead of optical quality. Lots of those images and films show clear desaturation and bloom, and there's flares everywhere.
I think that's part of the root of ME's art direction's strength at immediately 'working' as a sci-fi setting - it looks like a real one almost everyone has seen before.
For example...
The bloomy and foggy ambience is reminiscent of scifi. The most obvious, to me, example is Babylon 5 where the conversations were kinda similar to ME: Camera changes from viewing one speaker to the next with a blurry background and massive bloom, giving the head forms a slightly hazy appearance.
Similar application can be found in Star Trek as many have already pointed out.
Oh and I love it.
Ha, I knew I wasn't imagining things! It may be a ripoff, but it's one of the small number of reasons I still watch that show.
i r looking forward to reach!
also the moon landing never actually happened.