Heyo, I'm doing a new project, it's for an art test. A post-apocalyptic Rage-ish buggy of road battle. Here's the 3D concept, block-out of shapes I've got going.
I need some fresh eyes to have a look at this, focus on the major design please, all feedback and ideas are appreciated.
I'm still not sold on it myself yet..
I want to move on to do the highpoly very soon. There's no final shapes in this picture! All is block-out placeholders. For example here's what I want do to the Jet engine. (images bellow)
Take the wheel layout for example: the offset for the front and rear wheels is identical, and their sizes are identical as well. Why not make the front ones smaller and make the rear ones wider and bigger?
Most lines in your body are pretty straight: the lower side of the car is perfectly straight from front to back, and I think the cockpit window might even sit at 45 degrees. Also the sides of the cockpit are perfectly upright. I'd put some more work in angling the lines there so the shape becomes less simple and there's more to look at.
Also those basket things at the side could do with the same treatment.
If I were you, I'd do some adjustments to have your design emphasize the back of the car, since that's were the showpiece jet engine will be. Have your lines flow more towards the back (widen the car toward the rear and so). Also could look a little more chaotic with more attached stuff like cases, jerrycans, oildrums, etc.. Oh and a more bad-ass bumper at the front could help. Maybe even do spikes and skulls if it's gotta be post-apoc.
But I'm posting here to get crit, feedback and to fuel my motivation, I've to crunch these coming days to get this done in time as I have more stuff I need to get done aswell. Now, I'm not sure if I'm going to pull an all-nighter on this or go to bed for a while.. Maybe a powernap..? Hmm.
*edit: oh and as I said this is the 3D concept, that's why things like the cloth/tarp is plain as hell.
Also grab some refs like madmax etc, will give u some really good ideas to bash it up a bit.
Big improvement Fang, it feels more solid and more well-designed. I really like the sideview profile. Also good that you scaled the jet engine up, I was thinking it seemed kinda small in the first one.
I'd just put some more cool details in there now. I suggest thinking about the rims and not making them just plain with a spike: look at some offroad rims, trophy truck rims, etc. At least so you'll know what to model in HP, as the LP can be quite simple for the rims. Another very cool thing (I'm a real sucker for this), is one of those bad ass tied-down antennas. Like here: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/Volvo_Sugge_TP21.jpg/800px-Volvo_Sugge_TP21.jpg or here: http://www.baesystemspresskit.com/ausa2007/userfiles/Image/Intergrated_solutions.jpg Especially cool if they point forwards, like on the humvee, just creates such a contrasting, swooping line. And to fit with the antenna, you could put up a radio system in the driver's area: I imagine one of those military microphone things hanging from the rollcage, like this: http://www.tactical-link.com/vvc1099.jpg (with the curly wire).
Also check this out to see a really nicely detailed post-apoc vehicle: http://www.neskoromyuk.com/civic.htm Could give you some idea's for small details.
Aye Mad Max is great reference. This is not Mad Max, but here's a nice site for FAV references http://www.flickr.com/photos/jpl3k/sets/72157603681349018/
Xoliul, good to hear I did something right! Sweet ideas, I've been thinking about a radio, it's exactly stuff like that I need, and the rims like most everything will get more attention in highpoly no doubt. I'll be updating with something new in a while. I will also try to make it more badass, I'll play around with a few things.
Though, this is my first vehicle, and I know nothing about cars. Nothing. That's probably why the wheel mechanics(?) looks completely broken and not proper. I want to hide as much of it as possible! Go ahead and laugh. :P