when I want to use these features, they both (3d max viewport canvas and TexTool seem fixing part) will grab low quality of texture(what actually 3d max default viewport shows)
so after fixing seems and reload, seem areas will be in low quality..
first viewport before fixing seems:
first render before fixing seems:
viewport after fixing seems:
render after fixing seems:
any suggestions please?
With-in your viewport, your texture is being displayed at a smaller size than it actually is for greater performance. 3d modeling software typically have different settings for displaying texture sizes and filtering. Look in your settings/help. This is what you should find and adjust to get the results you want. You can also solve this issue by giving your UV edges more padding, which is a good habit to have when making game art.
Typically, when creating a texture for a game model, you'll want to pad the edge with 2-5 pixels. Mip-Mapping downsizes an image so that when the model it's associated with moves further away from view, a lower rez texture is swapped out for performance reasons. Problems occur when a texture rides too close to the UV edge. Shrinking an image 50% , for example, turns 4 pixels into 1. So if 2 of those 4, were, say a black background, and the other 2 were a light brown metal, they'd turn into a dark brown. The blur is from the texture filtering. Most of Mip-Mapping is automatically done, but some are created manually to ensure desired results.
my only problem is in final image, which low quality capture left bad effect on original quality..
so is there any way to capture with better quality?
In the section Download Texture Size, enable "Match Bitmap Size as Closely as Possible."
Also, Edge Padding on the wiki.
Personally I take a little bit longer but never run into the blurry problem with PeterK's method.
Also keep in mind that you should turn off Anti Aliasing and Global Super Sampling when you bake otherwise it can blur your textures a little.
And one more thing to keep in mind, they are upgrading viewport canvas pretty heavily in 2011, I'm VERY excited to try it out.
The method vig suggested is a very good one if you don't use any other painting application.
In any case though you shouldn't get low res textures on your viewport if you had enabled "match bitmap" in the preferences.
My problem solved buy erick's link.
now since I can get good quality in viewport, I can grab that with capturing..
btw I know several methods to remove seems. and this was easiest (and of course fastest) way for me to remove them. and the ony problem was quality.
again thank you all..