After seeing Syaped's great little mini-men thread it really made me want to get my x-com on again. The old ones are still great but very dated, so I'm looking for something that has the same feel but a bit more modern.
Other games in this style that I have already played and loved are :
Silent Storm (WWII themed, great-looking, with fully destroyable physics-based environments. I believe that one of our own Polycounters is responsible for a fair bit of the art)
Fallout Tactics
And some that fell short :
UFO afterlight/aftermath etc. I really don't enjoy the constant stop-start gameplay.
UFO: Alien Invasion - A fan-made Quake2 engine game, in the style of X-Com. Impressive, but not quite the real thing. Worth checking out though.
UFO:Extraterrestrials Gold - A bit dry, ugly and repetative. Not terrible, but nothing to get excited about.
So any hidden gems I don't know about?
Commandos: 3.
Commandos: 4 Desitnation Berlin.
C&C Generals, Exp.
Tiberium suns, Exp.
Tiberium wars.
Red Alert2.
Red Alert Yuri's revenge.
Red Alert3.
the first xcom is as good as it got so far.
pretty much the closest I've found, it lacks all of the global management stuff though. I'm genuinely surprised that there havent been more X-Com clones/successors since the 90's.
I forgot about Jagged Alliance, but yeah, I've played them both too. It's a bit rich to still be selling it for £13.99 on Steam, considering how old it is.
I'm starting to think that if I want to play a new game like this, I'm going to have to make it myself.
Nick Carver : yeah, that's the kind of thing. If someone ever does a modern take on this style, I think there's a small army of fans who'll buy it.
Ninjas : I know that one. Wasn't really my thing though. Also a bit sick of WW2 stuff.
Slum : Oh hell yes.
xcom2 - terror from the deep seems to have been the finest example of this genre so far? i loved the murky underwater explorations.
edit: yeah that trailer is crap, really doesn't show off the gameplay at all
Anyone here who loved xcom but hasnt played Silent Storm and its expansion Sentinels (and maybe it's somewhat broken rpg cousin hammer & sickle) is missing out! As far as tactical play/combat goes it's second only to xcom. way, way more fun than ja2, although lacking the super deep overworld metagame.
Nice you picked incubation. Played it the other day its really fun once you get into it. Also some of my colleagues were involved in the production of the game.
As an turnbased tactical game I recommend:
Front Mission 3:
I'd love to get my hands on Front Mission 4 or other sequels but they weren't released in europe.
abomination, a largely unfinished xcom style game (randomly generated, random missions, squads etc) but lacking the basebuilding and researchhandling.
play it for the action and awesome setting/mood
I wasted so much time on that damn game.
Basicly you command an Alpha-Squad (russian Spec ops). The interesting part about the game is its fighting system. You define the actions of your squad based on a AP-limit. Once you've completed the planning phase you start the play button and everything happens in realtime.
Its a nice comprimise between RTS and turnbased games. The game itself feels unpolished at times. I only played the demo. Wasn#t convinced to buy it. BUt the fighting system was interesting.
UFO Extraterrestrial was good fun, about 30- 40 hours play. I got it 3 weeks ago and couldn't put it down until it was finished. Now im playing dwarf Fortress as there is nothing else out there.
Apocalypse was also developed by the same team behind enemy unknown, when some other team went and did terror from the deep, which makes it quite more awesome aswell.
hah, fantastic! Please mention to them I played incubation and the expansion religiously when they were out. Good times!
found a better clip:
Jagged Alliance 2 has a pretty comprehensive mod (v1.13) that tweaks a lot of things, and adds an insane number of improvements and entire features. Pretty impressive, if potentially overwhelming.