Hey guys I'm taking a self study class at my school I was hoping to create a 3d model of this Character.
I've started on the base figure in which to build the character on, however i've never really sculpted a female before and i'm running into some problems.
First of all my base mesh dosn't support the breasts, so i'm planning to repologize the figure.
Secondly I don't really know the plains and workflow for sculpting the female figure. I was really hoping for something like this, but for the female version.
Currently it feels like i'm throwing a needle in the dark since my workflow isn't consistent and i want to learn how the planes female figure before I get into some bad habits
Last of all, this is my current sculpt, and its mostly of the torso however progress is slow and I keep getting the feeling i'm going in circles.
If you guys know any videos, or online tutorials on the plains of the body and the workflow, It would be much appreciated.
Just watched it ... tonight hehe
Some things are off in the final sculpt imo, mostly because of the weird concept hes working from. But the intro chapters are exactly what you are looking for - he goes over the form theory very extensively.
Also, dont forget to draw a modelsheet on paper or photoshop to 'nail' the character in your head. I'm sculpting a female aswell atm, started with this :
It's by no means perfect (necks too short!) and isnt even in the same style as what you are working from. But it helped me alot. You should get your basemesh proprtion right before starting on the Zbrush pass, Id say.
Good luck!
1) The shoulders are too thick from the side view, they look a little manly. Maybe a little too much muscluature on the shoulders in the back view also.
2) The calves are underdefined. They need more depth in the side view.
3) The lower sternum area just underneath the breasts sticks out a little too far in the side view.
4) The waist would look much more feminine if it were more narrow - it's not manly but getting close.
5) Straighten that neck. It's leaning forward at a weird angle.
Overall it's good work for a student project, I'd be happy if any of my character animation students were producing models of this quality.
heres the link to the WIP