Right now I'm running a Quadro 370, which is pretty mediocre. I'm using it primarily for PS and MAX, though I'm not even sure the card effects 2D performance. I play games pretty rarely, but I want a card that can handle the latest... just doesn't need the strongest. Any suggestion?
$90 for this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133304&cm_re=9800gt-_-14-133-304-_-Product
But if you are rocking a Quadro370, then what kind of case do you have? Because those are meant for tiny machines.
If you're doing lots of texture baking and such I'd recommend going NVIDIA for the CUDA stuff. I've heard that increases performance in compatible programs such as xNormal.
I take that back:
Well with such low prices I can pretty much go for the high-end of low-profile cards... it seems the Radeon HD5570 is all-around recommended.
9800 GT $100
4650 $156
I would say the 9800 is probably the faster card here, for cheaper. Depending on what CPU/RAM/Etc combination you have, a 9800 is a very good card. I've got a q6600 quad core, 8GB of ram and my 512mb 8800 GT is a good enough card for absolutely everything i do. Now if you've got a pretty old dual core CPU, and not much ram, you'll probably be better off going the new case route and getting more of a powerhouse GPU, but at that point, you may jut want to look at building a new system(i know, blows your $250 budget lol, but seriously, throwing a bunch of money into an old system VS building a budget system that will kick your old system's ass is something to consider).
The 9800 may be a bit underclocked compared to a full size card, but still likely decent performance, and a much better option. Actually it looks like its got standard clocking at 600/1800. Which is funny, because the full sized sparkle 9800 that sells for $10 more is clocked at 550/1375.
So, if i was u, i would probably just get the 9800 GT, see if it does a good enough job and if not, return it and look into other options.
If gaming is more your cup of tea then go with a Radeon 5770. Maybe a 5850 if you have a big monitor/money again. ATI works fine with Maya and stuff most of the time, but as you see on this tread, your mileage varies depending on the card and driver version. The non FirePro series cards just seem to be finicky. They still work though don't misunderstand.
Of course this may be standard for GPU's but I've only built one system so I can't say.
If it is an option, I'd consider getting a new case, and something like a GTX 260, you can get a decent case for like $40, and the GTX260 is still an awesome GPU.
about 9 series i am not so sure. .i read in forums and reviews 8800GTX was still faster than all 9 series.
As far as 8 vrs 9, the 8800 GTX and 9800 GTX give you virtually identical performance(the 9800 being a hair faster), except that you cant really buy a 8800 new GTX anymore, and the 9800 gives better heat/power usage. IF you can find a 8800 GTX new its $200+ while the 9800 GTX+ retails for like $100-135, which is a pretty good deal all things considered(a 260 runs you $220+ or near double, for significantly less than a 2x improvement in performance). Weather the 9800 is faster than the 8800 is moot, when you compare the cost of either and the performance of either to a 260, its a good value card. The 9 series more replaced the 8 series than knocked it on its ass, but its all fairly moot, and the only thing worth talking about is price vs performance, which in today's market, the 9 series kicks the pants off the 8 series.
That said if i was building a workstation tomorrow, i would likely grab a 260 as its a pretty good price for the amount of performance you get with it, unless i was on a strict budget, then the 9800 GTX+ would be very attractive.