So i had a bunch of clips around, and i never really showed you guys much.
To not let them rot away, i put them together into a nice video.
Its not ment to win any awards for best editing.
Also the site is just cheap atm, Everything will be bad ass once the Halo Reach beta is here, and we are one of the first to show you have it should be done. \o/
Most clips are from team snipers or team doubles, level 45+
so no big chains of kills, just skills?
debatable.... although it does take alot of practice to get that good, the sniper isnt exactly the best weapon to display "skill". you dont even have to be pointed at the guys head to get a headshot, which in the video you posted is very apparent with alot of the no scope kills. you just have to move past the head fairly fast and pull the trigger and it will count. kinda cheap.
personally, i prefer swords, just cause they are more fun for me. but i hated playing online because of the sniper. and in most FPS games, i usually LOVE to snipe. but halo's sniper is just too cheap.
you "just" have to do that ?
Thats called a sweep scope, it is actually quite skillfull, since the size of someones head is smaller then the crosshair. And alot of his shots were twitch shots, seemed awesome to me.
some really nice clips, but do you get host often :P ?