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Batcave Enviroment

polycounter lvl 14
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TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 14
After working on my Batman Model for awhile (still not finished but want to work on something else in the meantime) :


I decided he needs an enviroment.

So here I am starting a batcave for this guy.
My first time doing an enviroment, so doing all of this while learning as I go.

Basically the plan is to build the whole thing, and put it in UDK, as I need/want to learn that aswell.

Started blocking out part of the cave in 3dsmax and doing a (crappy) paintover in photoshop to get an idea where I want to take this.
Have loads of ref, so I'm sure that'll be usefull :)


Any tips for a guy like myself on the best way to start out with an enviroment?
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