Hey guys, I've been working on my model and i was wondering if there was any way to use several materials on one sub tool. I've seen it done, however try as i must, it seems like it doesn't want to work for me. Instead of work on simply the areas that i don't have masked off, it makes the whole sub tool the same material. Its getting frustrating :poly127:
Kinda wanna make my characters tooth glossy
If you guys could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated!
Did you paint on a lower subdivision level and then stepped up to a higher one?
EDIT: BTW, nothing wrong with just painting the RGB channel and then doing the Material one later.
If you have cavity masking on you wouldn't have been painting your material in the cavities, and thus you will end up with artifacts there, much like the ones you've posted.
Try removing all masking (in Tools> Masking), set your brush to only paint material (M), and paint on those troublesome areas and see if that helps.
Wow that really cleaned it up nicely!
Thank you very much East and Scooby! You guys were a Great help!
Still got a lot more to learn about zbrush but one day I hope that I could give good advice like you guys!
I like your character. He's kinda cute/neat looking. I'd recommend though that you maybe create the teeth as separate subtools. I think it will not only look better, but ultimately give you more control as well. Also, try finishing your sculpt(if he isn't already) prior to starting your coloration work. If you've got color on your model, and continue sculpting this can sometimes have a negative effect on your ability to really see whats going on with your forms.