I leave the Polycount community 3 second, and go on DA...
All user`s icons get changed....
Look at my account :
And no, I am not from team gaga or else hahahah....
Same with Hazardous :
From team SEEKER!! mouahahahahaha!!!
What about you guys? What team hacked your account on DA?

(And I come back on Polycount 3 min after and new forum style!!!)
I got Edward from Twilight.
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
At the moment, I find my watcher list to look somewhat disturbing.
ahhh haaa
Lol I'd rather have Tim Burton's dream girl. Seriously, she is like a cross of him and...Madonna...and all the messed up rock videos from the 90's
then now eh....
"yay team seeker"
what does that even mean...
"If there was a way to escape this pain, I'd take it, too."
Team Jacob, here. What a dreamboat.
That was my signature before April first. How dare you!