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Using a game engine as 3ds Max viewport renderer

polycounter lvl 13
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omid3098 polycounter lvl 13
as I noticed in topic, I want to port a game engine(Leadwerks) as 3ds max viewport renderer.
the only thing I could find in similar is oFusion , which it could use Ogre as viewport renderer. and it's last update was 3 years before.
do I need engine source code? (I don't have it, I just have some seats of it's licence)
do I need expert programming skills? or expert MaxScript skills? because I'm a regular programmer and actually I'm an artist.
can anyone show me where to start?
or any previous works around something similar?


  • CrazyButcher
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    CrazyButcher polycounter lvl 18
    that ofusion stopped upgrading should be a hint towards the task being too complex to do in the long run / be worthwhile.

    the main issue is synching the data max has with the engine's representation of models... very tricky, as games typically don't expect topology changes to models.

    if you question your own skills as not enough, than typically that's a good sign of the task being too complex.

    rather focus on getting your scene exported well to the engine, maxscript can help a lot to make max a nice level editor.

    also it should be not too hard to have a custom viewport window. But that will basically be the same as if running the engine in another window (ie. no direct synchronization). It's probably less work to just have the engine window set "always on top" or so ;)
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    you need to work with the SDK.
    I think this is the wrong forum to ask about something like that.

    i think your best bet for a proper answer is this:

    ask this guy :)
  • omid3098
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    omid3098 polycounter lvl 13
    ah.. sorry.. I did't have any ideas at all.
    I know it may be hard work to do. but I will try.. ;)
    yiannisk, it seems right place for me to start..
    thank you guys!

    PS. if you have any other information, advices or points, I will be glad to here :D
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