Needed a good mesh for me to use in zbrush, can anyone point out any major proportional flaws that there may be? And the hand seems a bit messy but im a little stumped on getting it to be cleaner, i do not like hands at all. The feet seem to be fine proportion wise, im not too concerned on them looking real because they will almost always be covered up in everything i make.
P.S: If you've got access to some loomis, those are good guides imo. otherwise if you can wait ill see if i can get my borrowed copy later today. keep up the good work!
The general outline of the body is a buff look, and that can make the shins look pretty small along with the legs looking a little stubby.
Fly, i hope these pictures can also help you see the finger length.
I find it works better by making you remember anatomy. Your more likely to just alter to the form of what you have when you use something too fleshed out. If you start from something super basic, you have to think about everything, form, rhythm, etc..
So, length thigh is = to length of shin
from there tweak till it looks right, as these are all rough gauges of proportion.
Any better?
Right now there are a couple of things off, which could be easily adjusted by looking at some more anatomy reference. also check rey bustos, particularly rey's anatomy and ecorche with ray (no idea what it means).
things that are immediately noticeable:
-the "beginning" (upper part) of the front (thigh) leg muscles is way too low
-looks like his pecs are drooping down a bit, making them look like manboobs
-the head is bent forward in a weird unnatural angle
-knees seem a bit too low
-neck muscle (trapezius) seems too wide
Anyway, those are the things I spotted .
Keep it up! looking forward to growth!
The knees shouldn't be to low, i took the screen shots from an upward angle, look at the side picture.
Illl fix a couple things up and post back