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Project II: Invasion

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Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
Hey everybody! Thanks again for all of your crits and suggestions with the Alley from Kokomo. I have moved on to this second piece. I've had some..."personal" roadblocks to making as much progress as I'd like to at the moment but I've finally managed this week to buckle down.

The point of this project was to model and base texture in Maya, and then take it to UDK for the building of shaders and the scene. So far so good! I have on UDK screenshot for you and then the concept art I'm working from (along with a link to his Deviant Art page). I did take some liberties because I found the concept hard to read so if any of you have suggestions I appreciate them! All I have right now is the diffuse and two point lights. The diffuse isn't quite finished yet either, adding basic dirt.

Alright, more pix!!


eWKn's DA page


  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I have a new update. I'm disappointed with the amount of work I've failed to get done in the two weeks since I last updated. Anyway, what I have is what I have.


    What I've done is get a specular and normal map done for the bottom set, and I have the Base Diffuse for the top set done. I'm going to revisit the bottom left entranceway and spice up the triangle shape. I will also add some edited normal map details and try to use Bump Offset again. I've had issues with it but in my experiments with it I feel I'm getting a better handle on it. I also scaled everything up some because I would like to get a little video going and these buildings are pretty large.

    The top floor was modeled and textured as well. The base texture is done and this floor actually repeats for the next floor (and maybe more). I'll probably add little elements to break it up past floor 3 or so, and naturally I'll have vertex painting occur as well. Still haven't gotten to worrying about that yet, I'm trying to decide on a time table for that.

    What's next on my agenda for this project is specular and normals for floor two, create the walkway that bridges floor 3 and the other close building, and then make building two. No real particular order there after the texture maps. I also need to create a terrain as well, I'm debating Maya or UDK. Also, I need to double check some Light maps as well.

    Suggestions welcome!
  • Serp
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    Serp polycounter lvl 17
    This will look really cool in UDK. With the flames and shadows and stuff. Keep it up man!
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks Serp. I fully intend for flames and some light snow FX. That'll take some learning though, but UDK tends to control my life when I get to the point where I'm working more in that than in Maya.

    BTW: Light maps fixed on some objects but it's not worth a new picture.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Ok everyone, here's a fantastical update!
    I'm still in a very WIP stage, so you can make comments and crits if you want. I'll just put up some images and if there are any questions please let me know!

    I'd embed my YouTube video, but it wont work. Anyone know how? If you want to check it, hit up my blog at http://secretsilent.com/drose
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Hey man, looking good. Two crits from me. The border bricks on the building with the door/stairs need to be enlarged slightly. Also the bus is really high poly for how simplistic the shape is. Especially considering that half of it isn't seen. I think you could do a lot of optimizing on that mesh if you redraw some of your edges.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Yea I'll get to that...in a week. I'm going to try to focus on getting the rest of the big big parts of the scene done. Thanks for the brick crit though, gonna look into it.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Hey everyone. I have an update, and a serious question. I'm not going to retype my blog here, go to http://secretsilent.com/drose to read my thoughts and problems. In short, I'm concerned this isn't coming togheter well and that when it's done it'll be way to late for me to worry about applying for jobs with an updated folio cuz it won't be complete. I'm considering scrapping this for now and moving to a smaller environment. My targeted job reapplication date is first or second week of June.

    Here's a progress shot:

    And here's a paint over on my latest building. I have similar problems on my other buildings as well and they piss me off a great deal. Any help you guys can give would be appreciated.
    Again, for a full explanation of problems/feelings I'd go to my blog. That's what it's there for after all (and you only need to read the latest post).

  • 3DLee
    Just a thought, but if you think that you're not going to be able to finish the scene as originally intended you could always take what you have now and re-arrange it for a scene with a smaller scope. :)
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    i think you're loosing a lot of the scale of the scene compared to the concept. like for example the size of the bus. but like [3DLee] said you could scale it down to make it a smaller scene.
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