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Improving texturing ability.

polycounter lvl 8
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Jedah polycounter lvl 8
Hell all, my first post on Polycount. I am someone who took a psuedo-break from 3D ( as in still doing it, but not as much ) and now plan to get serious once again and hopefully land a job.

One thing I need to take a look at is my texturing ability. The following 3 images are simple textures I created rendered on a flat plane with normal+specular.

My texturing technique is pretty varied although I follow the rule to "be original" IE no photosourcing from online sources. Everything is either handpainted or sourced from photos I personally took myself.

Anyways, here they are. All crits are welcome especially if you see a flaw in technique shared by all 3 of them.


A simple wall with Mech style design. X axis is seamless.


Texture intended for a capture the flag ( Red base ) type style in rainy wheather. X axis is seamless.


A sci fi conveyor belt. Seamless on all sides.


  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    your spec on the mech wall looks too weak, a grunge layer colored white on a low opacity would do the trick if you want it to have a duller look, right now nothing pops, and it all is muddied out.
    at the same time the second texture is too shiny, especially in the bullet holes. even if its raining, the interior of a bullet hole is very rough, no amount of water will make it shiny all the way around like that.
    the rest doesnt look quite right either, the wet and shiny concrete should have a darker diffuse than the duller, drier concrete.
    sci fi conveyor belt looks good, but that is up to your imagination as to how it should look, so I cant compare it to anything real

    anyways, looks pretty good so far.
    and welcome to polycount :)
  • Jedah
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    Jedah polycounter lvl 8
    Yar, The Sci Fi Conveyor belt is the newest out of all of those so it best reflects my current ability. I've also known about the Mech wall needing a better specular for a while but I've lost the original XCF files ( gimp ) for them somewhere in my stack of hard drives. Hopefully I can find them and fix it.
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