I was surfing the 3d blogs and sites today and i stumbled upon some really coon news.
For those interested, it seems that mR 3.8 will actually make it in all 2011 series and quite possibly iray too since it is included in mentalRay 3.8. Although it is categorically denied and refereed to as an"error" of the documentation.
the main issue here is that they have disabled it as it seems, therefore it will be unsuported like many other features of mR that are simply hidden.
it can be enabled in the file itself.
The following changes were made in the .mi scene description syntax:
The iray rendering mode can be enabled with a string option:
"iray" on|off
as it says
here in 3dsmax documentation, which again.. some say it is erroneous lets wait and see

Another cool thing i saw today and i was quite impressed was the renderer Arion.
i will simply copy paste the description from their website.

Arion is the hybrid-accelerated and physically-based light simulator developed by RandomControl. It inherits all our expertise in light simulation and makes it run on steroids, thanks to our very unique approach to massive CPU+GPU+LAN computation.
Arion is:
an interactive WYSIWYG editing application.
a super-high performance production renderer.
there are some really impressive results in their gallery although it is the first iteration of their software and as i read in a review doesn't support 100% all maps in 3dsmax.
a star wars favorite hereand a sweet car render here
pretty impressive and whoever is into rendering will find them quite interesting