Hurrah! Historical moment! Glad I woke up when I did, was able to watch the stream 1 minute before the actual collisions took place
They're doing another run appearantly, some better webcams here
My internet disconnected pretty much right when they Tweeted that they were collapsing the beams and the collisions were starting. I was waiting for the ground to start rumbling before we were sucked through the earth.
is it just me or do you guys imagine beams of golden electricity shooting through a scifi tunnel whenever people talk about the LHC? I was kinda hopeing it would look that way on the webcams but hey we should probably be thankful real science isnt so flashy as our games haha
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly will this experiment produce/prove?
Among various other things the most commonly talked about possability is finding evidence for the existance of the famed "Higgs Boson" particle - which supposedly gives weight to mass and is the machanism for gravity.
The accelerator and project itself though is made up of several experiments and sensor suites suited for different things.
Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly will this experiment produce/prove?
In a nutshell, they're hoping for evidence of something that will tie together relativity and quantum physics, which up till now haven't been playing nice with one another.
In a nutshell, they're hoping for evidence of something that will tie together relativity and quantum physics, which up till now haven't been playing nice with one another.
Yep, relativity falls to pieces when it gets to the atomic/subatomic particle level.
I don't think the LHC should be taken lightly, though. When forces that strong are at work, anything is possible. Is it likely that a black hole or something destructive will occur? No, of course not. But it's not impossible.
Yep, relativity falls to pieces when it gets to the atomic/subatomic particle level.
I don't think the LHC should be taken lightly, though. When forces that strong are at work, anything is possible. Is it likely that a black hole or something destructive will occur? No, of course not. But it's not impossible.
Actually, black holes were quite likely, but they'd be microscopic, it's the same process as what's happening in the atmosphere.
Although this has all been gone throught the first time around when the whole world thought the end was nigh, what a mediacircus.
Scientists couldn't say for sure that It wouldn't create a black hole and destroy the planet, but they have stated the relation between the earth and the moon is more likely to generate a black hole than the LHC
But correct me if I'm wrong, black holes consists of mass right, so that mass has to come from somewhere?, In the case of the collider it would be the mass of the collided particles in a much smaller size.
I mean, I'm pretty sure my next crap wont end up with me giving birth to an alien lifeform, but yo never know, I guess I just have to go with what I know.
Actually, black holes were quite likely, but they'd be microscopic, it's the same process as what's happening in the atmosphere.
Although this has all been gone throught the first time around when the whole world thought the end was nigh, what a mediacircus.
yeah everything is a media circus these days, and anything scientific and new has to get the "extreme" treatment if they want average joe to listen. This fantastic exaggeration what they feed off of, next thing we know they will be saying stem cell research causes same sex marriage.
Its just a shame that the work they are doing is always going to be overshadowed by the idea that it is extremely dangerous and could destroy the world. WE live int he world of extreme everything. Its getting harder and harder to find a nature show, that is not about how extreme one animal is, or a documentary on rome that is not about how "extreme" their buildings where, etc etc etc. One day we will be judging scientific achievement on how "extreme" the discovery was.
BTW so many great pictures of this thing, maybe we can start a thread with pics, they are great tech reference.
One or both of quantum theory and relativity are probably wrong, so its going to be tough for them to unify them.
Even if they somehow detect Higgs it will just disprove a lot of currently mainstream theory. (which is good)
Personally I hope relativity is the first to go, it makes sense mathematically, but that's about it. The finite big bang theory being the most lacking.
LHC though, what a great feat for mankind, and very promising for understanding particle physics. I think the reason its in the news so much is they have to try and justify its operation and construction costs. (while its still getting going that is)
Either that or the scientific media has nothing else to talk about...
One or both of quantum theory and relativity are probably wrong, so its going to be tough for them to unify them.
Even if they somehow detect Higgs it will just disprove a lot of currently mainstream theory. (which is good)
Personally I hope relativity is the first to go, it makes sense mathematically, but that's about it. The finite big bang theory being the most lacking.
LHC though, what a great feat for mankind, and very promising for understanding particle physics. I think the reason its in the news so much is they have to try and justify its operation and construction costs. (while its still getting going that is)
Either that or the scientific media has nothing else to talk about...
Most expensive experiment in the history of mankind. Surely there's lots of stuff you can talk about. :P
One of our TAs along with the prof work at the LHC. They are leaving there in a week. It's exciting stuff.
is it just me or do you guys imagine beams of golden electricity shooting through a scifi tunnel whenever people talk about the LHC? I was kinda hopeing it would look that way on the webcams but hey we should probably be thankful real science isnt so flashy as our games haha
Yeah, there's not nearly enough emissive crap, treadplate and mesh flooring with steam coming out. They call this science? Pffffft.
for live graphs.
ready for a black hole ?
They're doing another run appearantly, some better webcams here
We've been training for that for years. Many people here actually make training simulators for such an event.
Bring it.
the earth will be gone before that happens LOL
Read that as 'concubine' and I must say I support your misread future.
If I am not completely mistaken, that is what they are going to find out :P
Among various other things the most commonly talked about possability is finding evidence for the existance of the famed "Higgs Boson" particle - which supposedly gives weight to mass and is the machanism for gravity.
The accelerator and project itself though is made up of several experiments and sensor suites suited for different things.
In a nutshell, they're hoping for evidence of something that will tie together relativity and quantum physics, which up till now haven't been playing nice with one another.
Yep, relativity falls to pieces when it gets to the atomic/subatomic particle level.
I don't think the LHC should be taken lightly, though. When forces that strong are at work, anything is possible. Is it likely that a black hole or something destructive will occur? No, of course not. But it's not impossible.
Now maybe they will discover a solution to the BC 2 connection issues.
Actually, black holes were quite likely, but they'd be microscopic, it's the same process as what's happening in the atmosphere.
Although this has all been gone throught the first time around when the whole world thought the end was nigh, what a mediacircus.
I mean, I'm pretty sure my next crap wont end up with me giving birth to an alien lifeform, but yo never know, I guess I just have to go with what I know.
yeah everything is a media circus these days, and anything scientific and new has to get the "extreme" treatment if they want average joe to listen. This fantastic exaggeration what they feed off of, next thing we know they will be saying stem cell research causes same sex marriage.
Its just a shame that the work they are doing is always going to be overshadowed by the idea that it is extremely dangerous and could destroy the world. WE live int he world of extreme everything. Its getting harder and harder to find a nature show, that is not about how extreme one animal is, or a documentary on rome that is not about how "extreme" their buildings where, etc etc etc. One day we will be judging scientific achievement on how "extreme" the discovery was.
BTW so many great pictures of this thing, maybe we can start a thread with pics, they are great tech reference.
Even if they somehow detect Higgs it will just disprove a lot of currently mainstream theory. (which is good)
Personally I hope relativity is the first to go, it makes sense mathematically, but that's about it. The finite big bang theory being the most lacking.
LHC though, what a great feat for mankind, and very promising for understanding particle physics. I think the reason its in the news so much is they have to try and justify its operation and construction costs. (while its still getting going that is)
Either that or the scientific media has nothing else to talk about...
Most expensive experiment in the history of mankind. Surely there's lots of stuff you can talk about. :P
One of our TAs along with the prof work at the LHC. They are leaving there in a week. It's exciting stuff.
Yeah, there's not nearly enough emissive crap, treadplate and mesh flooring with steam coming out. They call this science? Pffffft.