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Looking for Character/Prop Modeller for Upstarting HL2:EP2 Mod

Hello Everyone!

My first post here, So I hope I'm received well. I was referred from the Interlopers community (of which I'm a long term member) to your talented community.

I'm sure you guys get a lot of requests, most of them being a pointless waste of time, So I'll keep this quick and sweet.

I work on a Half Life 2: Episode 2 mod by the name of Field Zone, primarily as a level designer, but also on music/sound design and texturing. It's a new project ran by almost primarily Interloper's members, all of which have a lot of experience and skill. Even in the short space we've had since the mod has been up, we have gotten a mention on Podcast 17, and the page is getting a lot of positive feedback. It's hard to stand out amongst the crowd, So I'll let some of the images do the talking about the environments I'm currently working on:


Most of these are of course WIP, but I hope you get a feel of the world we're aiming for. For more info please take a look at our Moddb:


We are on the lookout for an experienced modeller to join our team. One of the first tasks required is heavily modifying an existing NPC, which can be read about here:


(Beware Major Banter's cynicism :P)

From then on forward, it would be focusing on environmental props and possibly other character modifications.

If you're are interested and able to help with us out with this, please PM me, or hit me up at arran_seaton@hotmail.com, I will check back here regularly!

Thank you for listening, I hope this was informative enough and easy to follow :)
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