yah i like my corals better too, but the fish help give it that extra something cause of their personalities. also have a firefish and coral banded shrimp
i have a 30 gallon, on the other side i have a huge pulsing xenia, harry mushroom, tons and tons of blue and green stripe shrooms, zooas and a plate coral.
I was beginning to think I was the only one that liked reptiles on Polycount. Now, there's 2 of us! lol.
Haha, yeah, doesn't seem like enough people out there appreciate them. Hoagie is great, calmest snake I've ever met, and so cute with his little smushed nose You would've loved it though, I used to have a savannah monitor! He lived to be about 5 years and then had some stomach problem I didn't get him to the vet on time for The roughest part about owning reptiles is you need a special vet.
Haha, yeah, doesn't seem like enough people out there appreciate them. Hoagie is great, calmest snake I've ever met, and so cute with his little smushed nose You would've loved it though, I used to have a savannah monitor! He lived to be about 5 years and then had some stomach problem I didn't get him to the vet on time for The roughest part about owning reptiles is you need a special vet.
I used to be a reptile guy myself, owned a ton of chameleons and geckos. They are fun pets but as mentioned you need a special vet, and even then they die way to easy, esspecially my female chameleons, i just could not handle the frequency of pet departures associated with reptiles so i switched to dogs. Maybe one day ill go back to chameleons, cause they are a lot of fun.
I want to join in the fun! These aren't very recent photos, but they are some of my favorites. Charlie is the ferret, and the kitten (or cat now) is Stitch, named from Lilo and Stitch, since his ears were so big when we got him!
Ha ha ha, its either been a long day playing, someone stole his front paws, or its about to nick something?
I'd taken him for a walk outside and it was really hot. By the time I got back to the apartment he was panting I was so scared he was going to overheat I ran into the kitchen and filled that pot in the background with cold water. He basically shoved his whole face into it, calmed down and plopped on the floor to rest. I love that picture of him.
I'd taken him for a walk outside and it was really hot. By the time I got back to the apartment he was panting I was so scared he was going to overheat I ran into the kitchen and filled that pot in the background with cold water. He basically shoved his whole face into it, calmed down and plopped on the floor to rest. I love that picture of him.
lol, ferrets are epic...
we gave ours their first bath recently. normally we shower them, but we decided to fill the bath with lukewarm water. the tub has a slight slope to it, so at one end they could stand up with their head above the water, but they had to swim the rest, they really enjoyed it!!!
Lol, this was actually him while I was taking him on said walk. They look really weird when they pant. All I can think of when I see this picture is, "Nananananananananana.....bat ferret!"
back when we first got them like 5 years or so ago.... Remy and Caly
every other pic of them i have is blurry as all get out. very active dogs nowadays and totally awesome. anyway..... yeah.....
get a load of that bloom off my reseeding hair line.... yeah boi!
Found a pic of my roommates' poor little departed kitten Syksy (Sooksoo). A veterinarian's stupidity and carelessness made her too weak to fight off the disease she had and then given a double dose of an injection....
Thought id resurrect this thread, see if anyone has any new pets!
My old Family dog on the left, Hector, now deceased. My sisters chow on the right Spidey.
My parents got themselves two new labs after our previous pets passed.
Leika on the left, Kaya on the right. Both about 1 1/2 years old. Can be quite the troublemakers when they're together. I'll be going home for summer break soon, so I'll get to spend some time with them
Makes perfect sense to me. A lot of developers live in cities and probably rent and don't have a yard for a dog. Here in San Diego it's difficult to find a rental with property owners that will even allow you have a dog. Having a big yard is practically unheard of.
yah i like my corals better too, but the fish help give it that extra something cause of their personalities. also have a firefish and coral banded shrimp
i have a 30 gallon, on the other side i have a huge pulsing xenia, harry mushroom, tons and tons of blue and green stripe shrooms, zooas and a plate coral.
its expensive.. but totally worth it
Zirc (short for Zirconium)
Mr. Barkface (Shiba Inu)
Hoagie (male western hognose snake)
Sorry for the large images :X
I was beginning to think I was the only one that liked reptiles on Polycount. Now, there's 2 of us! lol.
Haha, yeah, doesn't seem like enough people out there appreciate them. Hoagie is great, calmest snake I've ever met, and so cute with his little smushed nose
I used to be a reptile guy myself, owned a ton of chameleons and geckos. They are fun pets but as mentioned you need a special vet, and even then they die way to easy, esspecially my female chameleons, i just could not handle the frequency of pet departures associated with reptiles so i switched to dogs. Maybe one day ill go back to chameleons, cause they are a lot of fun.
Mi (yes he's sitting on a corner of a pillow
Mi and Red
And this guy was the most beautiful kitten i ever had.( i was really sad that i had to give him away)
Says the man with a miniature ewok!
and 3 days later...
this is the adult version, we call them "Mirlo" and they sing better than a nightingale, dunno how it's spoken in english, blackbird? :S
I'd taken him for a walk outside and it was really hot. By the time I got back to the apartment he was panting I was so scared he was going to overheat I ran into the kitchen and filled that pot in the background with cold water. He basically shoved his whole face into it, calmed down and plopped on the floor to rest. I love that picture of him.
Where is Robert?
I brought this little one home on Christmas:
Camden is slightly bigger now:
And my older one, 4 years old:
They get on pretty well:
lol, ferrets are epic...
we gave ours their first bath recently. normally we shower them, but we decided to fill the bath with lukewarm water. the tub has a slight slope to it, so at one end they could stand up with their head above the water, but they had to swim the rest, they really enjoyed it!!!
Just got her a few months ago.
every other pic of them i have is blurry as all get out. very active dogs nowadays and totally awesome. anyway..... yeah.....
get a load of that bloom off my reseeding hair line.... yeah boi!
She was such an adorable kitten.
@Mime - sad you had to give them away
Too many awesome pets in here though. Now I want a ferret...and another kitteh....and and and a PONY! Oh...
My old Family dog on the left, Hector, now deceased. My sisters chow on the right Spidey.
Me and my girlfriends new pup, Ajax.
^^ shots taken with silly lens I gutted from an old rangefinder: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/499159/pancake1.jpg
Leika on the left, Kaya on the right. Both about 1 1/2 years old. Can be quite the troublemakers when they're together. I'll be going home for summer break soon, so I'll get to spend some time with them
Alba and Coco - Mum and dad got them around christmas and they are insane.
very disturbing
Daisy (black one) and Shotzey. Sadly Daisy passed away this year.
His name is Scribbles. He is quite shy.
Not happy to be clean
Plus cats are fancy.
Does he want to come up in your bed at night and snuggle? i can see that being a problem lol.