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Splitbone.mel Maya Error

howdy folks. Im following the Gnomon Puppet Rig Tutorials, everything was goin greating until i got to the arm. He splits the bones of the rig evenely in the rig but doesnt show how he did it.... So naturally I do a search for a splitbon.mel, find one, doest work.
I get an error that says // Error: Wrong number of arguments on call to splitbone.
ive tried everything i know how to do. Tried sourcing, loading, saving in different script folders. (for some reason there are three) and closing/opening maya. PLease help. I really need to get through rigging as quick as possible. This is very frustrating and i cant find any answers anywhere.


  • beezul
    well. i gave up on that shitty script. i searched bone splitting originally because i had prior experience to using such a tool in lightwave, but apparently i should have jsut looked for joint splitting. i downloaded a joint splitting script and it works just fine. thanks anyway
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    The "wrong number of arguments" error means that the script is expecting you to pass one or more variables to the script command.

    That probably means that you were typing splitbone; (or whatever the command is) instead of splitbone "variable1" "variable2"; or whatever.

    So saving script in different folders or restarting Maya won't help in this case, since it is loading the script successfully, but the command you're calling requires more information.

    Just FYI :)
  • beezul
    oh thanks! hmm. i wonder what other information it wanted.. i opened the .mel file in editplus before i gave up, just to see what the term was after global proc... it says global proc int splitbone . i have a litttttle bit of experience writing very basic mel scripts so i searched for this because it is my understanding that this is the name used to run the script.... also for some reason this name was different from the file name. file name being splitbone-v1.0.mel
    after it didnt work the few couple of times i tried changing the file name from that to just plane splitbone.mel
    no sucess.
    thanks for your response!
  • glib
    global means it's accessible outside of the script.
    proc means it's a procedure.
    int means it returns an integer.
    splitbone is the name of the procedure.

    You are interested in the parts after the "(" which should be something like (int myInt, string myString).
  • kay-vonlanthen
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    kay-vonlanthen polycounter lvl 7
    i tried to open the Qtown script. i get these errors.
    official documentation says: "Run the script by executing “icQTown” (without quotes) in the script editor." i did that but doesnt work. funny how it works on my other machine without problems. using maya 2018 btw

    // Error: polyRotateUVs (90 * $randTopRot); // 
    // Error: Line 1343.35: Wrong number of arguments on call to polyRotateUVs. // 
    // Error: polyRotateUVs 180; // 
    // Error: Line 1399.20: Wrong number of arguments on call to polyRotateUVs. // 

    got a couple of scripts in maya and some of them work. im not new to maya but scripting was never a thing to me. it seems so buggy and unconsistent to me. some work, some dont, like wow this is a  bummer.
  • kay-vonlanthen
    Offline / Send Message
    kay-vonlanthen polycounter lvl 7
    solved the issue
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