I thought i'd start up a new project based off of an existing concept. I wanted the concept to be loose to see how i could adapt to it and hone my modeling skills to better fit the concept.
I picked a concept from cghub.com by Numioh.
I thought it was a cool looking speeder bike design. Smalll, simple and orange!
Here's my progress so far. The highpoly is finished and now im moving onto the lowpoly. I should have it done soon as this is my spring break week coming up.
And color just for funzies
Hope you guys digz. I'm really trying to become alot better at my hard surface, im not happy with where its at. But plenty of time for practice when i graduate!
I think if you upload some wireframes people would be able to critique the work better.
Interesting concept though.
looks really great, just showing some love... but my balls would hurt after a speed on the bike
Gladly i got it fixed and as of recently have been working on it again. The bake is done and now im moving onto the textures.
It's pretty expensive i think, it's about 9k tris. It isnt terrible for being a "hero vehicle".