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Hypothetical Question - Importance of your job in your life

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JacqueChoi polycounter
I know a LOT of people (like myself) who's location is dictated by where they work. Often travelling around the world for better opportunities (both in moving up in their career, and development as an artist).

But I find there are also a LOT Of people who are tied down to a single location. Not just because they own property, or because their spouses are working. But a plethora of factors surrounding their personal lives (such as proximity to friends/family).

So my hypothetical question is to the latter group:

Would you quit fulltime employment at a city far away, for a temporary contract position to be in the city you would like to live in?

Would you turn down Fulltime employment in another city, if you were working under a temporary contract?


Can you explain your reasons for either?


  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I just tied myself down to my location, before now I was constantly mobile, moving across the US and the world for work. I think the importance of being mobile declines as you build your resume.

    For me now, I would turn down a dream job if the location were too distasteful, and I would take a temporary job if the location were favorable enough. (taking into account that in this theoretical world my husband could find a job in the new place also)
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I personally value my job/project and the country I'd live in equally. After all. If one of the two is shit then 50% of your time will be shit. I like having a social life and have the option of doing stuff outside of work.

    "Would you quit fulltime employment at a city far away, for a temporary contract position to be in the city you would like to live in?

    Would you turn down Fulltime employment in another city, if you were working under a temporary contract?"

    Fulltime and contract is usually the same over here so I don't care much about that. You almost always get a contract for a year and then get a renewal when it's up. I was on contract for 2 years before i got fulltime. Fulltime did jack shit because I was let go just as easily and nothing really changed.

    Alot also depends on what kind of project and art I'd make. It would be a pretty tough choice to choose between a blizzard/id/valve-quality studio at a shitty location and a flash game studio in a great location.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    < 30 years old: in a heartbeat

    moved around and ended up in Tokyo.
  • Eric Chadwick
    I was laid off from a fulltime gig recently, and am only looking locally, for now.

    Would rather not move because: kids are well-settled here with friends and a good school system, wife has a job she likes, we have friends & nice property here.

    If none of those were the case though, I would definitely move for an opportunity.
  • Mark Dygert
    33, Married with a daughter about to turn 3, I own my condo. I moved around a lot as a kid and even in my 20's when I met my wife we would go where the wind blew us. But not so much any more. We would still pick up and move just not for a contract.

    There are a lot of great studios around me locally, big and small so I don't feel like I need to move to find opportunities. I just need to live up to their expectations.

    I also have no problem turning this back into a hobby. Either way hobby or job, I need to be doing something creative where I feel like I'm growing.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    It all depends on the job. I'm unattached at the moment. I don't have a spouse or children to tie me down, so I could pick up and relocate pretty much anywhere. I do live near most of my family (parents, siblings) but that isn't a deal-breaker.

    The problem at the moment is that I like where I live. (Phoenix, Arizona) The cost of living is reasonable, the weather and environment is fantastic, my condo is in a great location. If I were going to move somewhere else to work, I would want it to stack up favorably. And one of the big factors of that would be cost of living. There are a LOT more job opportunities for game development in California. But the cost of living there is also a lot higher. In order for me to pursue a job in CA, it would have to be a really great job.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    I love moving around - that's a thing I really like about my work, that I'm not necessarily tied down in one location.

    Personally I have 3 factors when I choose jobs: the job itself, what it pays and the location. If it's an incredible location I wouldn't mind working for a not so well known studio. Or if the job is really great, I may care less about the location. But it all has to balance out.
    For contracts, it has to be at least 1 year, with an option to become permanent if possible, and there must be a relocation package....moving stuff around ain't cheap, even if it's for the most part just books, PC and clothing.

    Personally I enjoy moving around because I love expanding my horizon and it's very inspiring too, but I guess it's not for everyone. While you can have great experiences you also have to deal with having less personal contact with family and friends. That's probably the biggest tradeoff.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I live in LA and don't really plan to move, unless I get an awesome job offer elsewhere. It'd have to be pretty damn exceptional. Maybe I'm just a pansy?
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I have turned down numerous positions because I don't fancy moving out of london.
    me and the missus are totally settled.
    I honestly believe its better to try and make yourself happy than drag yourself around the country.
    But I suppose if you are younger then its easier and more fun to move around ( if you have n't got kids/pets etc)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I left Reno NV and a well paying fulltime job (which I hated) to work for Microsoft in 2008 and that was just a contract job. I did it because I was in love with Seattle, having visited the year before. Been here ever since. I was 28, but I don't think age makes a difference. If you have a family or spouse, that will certainly dictate how you deal with these things.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    yea I did the whole moving away thing for a good job but then when my lady couldnt live with me up there anymore I didnt last long, saved up some money for a few months and then came home. Still trying to find work close to home and freelancing to pay the bills.

    It really hit home though how much this industry requires you to move around and make personal sacrifice for personal gain for a steady paycheck. If I wasnt tied down with things I think I would be moving all round the world trying to find work but Im more concentrating on making the industry work for me and not the other way round (in a job sense) if that makes sense and doesnt make me sound super arrogant :)
  • MegaMoogle
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    MegaMoogle polycounter lvl 9
    Well you see, that's tough for me. I was able to land a more than decent job right after graduating school at a military contracting company about 3 hours from where I was. Times have been tough, I lost a roommate and had to get a second job to keep my head above water while living on my own. Moving away for this job, I left a lot of my friends and my boyfriend back in my college town, and I'm still about 7 hours away from my closest family members.

    Part of me would like to say I'd drop anything and everything to move back to where I was in a heartbeat, but with the knowledge that almost any place I could apply at to do the same thing would expect more experience, I feel like I'm here at least for a few years to get the needed experience.

    But in a perfect world to answer your question, assuming I had all the experience and other qualifications necessary. I would definitely drop a full-time position even for a temporary contract position in a city I'd like to live in IF I was already madly in love with that company (there are just some company's I'd give my left arm to work for, even just temporarily), and if there were chances that the contract position could be extended into a full-time position. It would probably work in reverse too, it just depends on who's offering the job, or where I was working at at the time. :)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Im actually planning to move atm .. in the Uk nd paying tax like my name is warren buffet.. I cant stand it..

    been eyeing up singapore for ages, clean safe city for the little youngling too.. and its not just tax everything in singapore is cheaper.. London is a frickin joke
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I moved all the way from Florida to Dallas, I'm 37 and married. I don't think I'll be moving for a job again unless my wife is all for it and she can transfer as well. She has a nice government job so right now Dallas is great for her and I both. We recently bought a house now and are starting to put our roots down for a while. I'd possibly still take a contract job down in Austin if I got the opportunity, but doubt I would pack up and move again. My wife is the money maker so I get to do what I enjoy, so if this 3d thing doesn't work out for me here in Dallas I'll probably go back to IT and do art for fun again.. Either way, I win.. :D
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Funny thing. Despite of being totally in love with what I do, I also look at it as mean of getting out of here. As my chance to get a descent life as a free man who can enjoy so many things a lot of people take for granted.

    But unfortuantelly settling just for anything is not an option, since shitty work could spoil the joy of any great place. So I'm working on oportunies I want, And once I nail it I'm so out of where, without a second of hesitation.

    And yeah, my better 2/3 isn't all up for leaving since she's got parents here, but we both know leaving is for the best, so I hope everything will end up allright.

    I handly my choices this way:
    First I find companies I think I'd enjoy working for. Then I sort them out for the most appealing location.=)

    Hope that answers your question.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I really love where I am right now but anyone who has known me the last 5 years knows I'm dying to make my way into Iceland someday.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I can't move again for a long time. I did San Diego to Chicago to Houston then to Japan in 8 months. My kids need a place to grow up. The oldest needs to be in school and make friends. Just chill at home, do contract work when it comes around, do my own stuff at my own pace, and take care of them.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Every time I get it in my head that I'm going to shoot for someplace big, like a major studio in California, I'm hit with the cost of living and immediately decide to stick with living in the woods, doing occasional freelance, amounting to nothing special.

    Tonight I got really into researching several studios down in Irvine, CA. Then I checked out housing. It makes me feel kind of helpless, how intimidating $1000+ monthly for a single room in which to live whilst working someplace is. I've never made that much monthly in my life. The importance of my work is massive to me, but when it comes to actually being able to afford (what seems to me) an outrageous cost for simple housing, I feel like it does not matter how skilled or valuable an employee I am, that I will somehow never be able to do this.

    It's a childlike and immature attitude, which I am too honest in expressing here.

    There are probably a lot of jobs I could go for but don't for fear of homelessness. I've nothing against wandering the streets and starving in the gutters, but that is not okay if I'm trying to build a professional career.

    I really hope that someday this restrictive fear goes away.
    edit: This trio of quotes helps me ignore that feeling in the meantime.

    Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
    - Ambrose Redmoon

    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
    - Mark Twain

    Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.
    - John Wayne

    So I guess the fear is a good thing. Wait, I sound like Kotick...
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I really love where I am right now but anyone who has known me the last 5 years knows I'm dying to make my way into Iceland someday.

    You should, it owns!
  • Bruno Afonseca
    I just moved from Brazil to Argentina, to work on a way worse economy, earning monopoly money. And yet the cost of living is around the same, so I'm kinda stepping down on my quality of life. But I like changing, traveling around, learning a new language, meeting new people etc. Buenos Aires is a very interesting place!
    If it doesn't work out, I can always go back home crying.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    poop, isn't it dark six months of the year in iceland.That kind of put me off applying to work there
    My cats would just freak out, banging in to to door s and stuff:)

    BTw was that recent volcano anywhere near you?
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    If I had fulltime employment that I liked, no way. Not unless the move was for a much better job (like a studio I've always wanted to work for or something). But aside from that (which hasn't been the case ever, so far), I'd pick up and move in a heartbeat. Marriage and such is a non-issue for me. I'll be 30 in a couple years, and I've accomplished exactly shit in my life so far (no real jobs, no relationships, etc), and I've spent almost all of it in this same shitty dead-end city. If I suddenly found the means to move and start somewhere else, I'd be all over it. I can't imagine any possible circumstances under which that would occur though. I've been applying to be all kinds of stuff all over the place. If I can't even be a janitor or fast food worker in my hometown, I can't imagine scoring a job elsewhere that would facilitate moving. I believe my real future lies in the woods somewhere, but I'm not ready to move there yet.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    fly_soup. Don't worry man, you are a late starter. I did fuck all till I was about 28
    your work is good, so there is no reason to think you won't get a job at some point
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Ruz wrote: »
    poop, isn't it dark six months of the year in iceland.That kind of put me off applying to work there
    My cats would just freak out, banging in to to door s and stuff:)

    BTw was that recent volcano anywhere near you?

    Iceland Derail

    The shortest day is 2 hours of daylight, and the longest day is 2 hours of darkness. It slowly fluctuates between the two, and the two equinoxes have exactly equal days of 12 hours/12 hours day/night. There is only a few months with shorter than normal day cycles, and it's totally bearable, and the insane days make up for it the other part of the year.

    The volcano was quite far away, it's nowhere near Reykjavik, but you can take a tour right up to it and see.

    /Iceland Derail
  • Ben Apuna
    I love Hawaii, I've lived here all my life. For the most part it is paradise except for the very high cost of living.

    That said, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat with a good job offer.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    well dude you know from all my private messages on messenger and crap, but you know I take risks to get ahead in this field in hopes to lives more comfortably later in the future so ive done stupid shit like move across the US out of cost of my own pocket just to be near work,Went from living the life with the beach body sipping on rum on the water, to live in the frumpy humpy life in the cold/wet of the west coast. But I mean what else can you do when your trying to make a dent in your life and your career? Cant expect it to fall in your lap and work out for yah. Gotta go out and make it happen with sheer force sometimes :p
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    no need for a 'special derail poop', it s kind of related to the topic anyway ie moving to places that you might not really fancy going to for the sake of a job.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Vrav: the pay is going to take into account the cost of living, I'm currently paying about $1300 a month for my 1 bedroom + loft apartment and it isn't that bad (I live with my girlfriend but I've been handling the rent while she finds work). I could get a 2 bed/2 bath back in Florida for about $600 but I was only making about $8 an hour as a network admin.

    If you google cost of living calculator, you'll find cost of living comparisons that take your current location and tell you how much you'd have to make to have similar living conditions in your destination city.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    I have to agree with poop.
    Iceland is really awesome...I have been to Reykjavik twice now and cant wait to go back.
    Its a really beautiful country.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I just figured that living there would be a different deal from just visiting That's why i asked about the daylight thing. I wasn't knocking the place as it looked great from the research I did.

    You may have noticed they has been a character artist job advertised in Reykjavik for ages now:/

    It's bad enough in Britain with five months of depression during winter months, not sure if I could cope

    I wasn't gonna apply anyway, just thinking aloud
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Well I sold everything I owned back in Australia (house, car, PC, TV, wide variety of personal belongings) and now I'm living in the United States and looking for work. Unfortunately for me, I have until August to find a job and arrange a visa, otherwise I wll be forced to leave the country.
    So I guess that really does answer the question that yes, my job is the most important thing to me right now.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Emil, if you are willing to switch to environment work I know from looking at their sites last night that Obsidian and ReadyAtDawn are both hiring in that department, not far from LA.
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    You should, it owns!

    I might suck up to you later ;)

    I'm still undecided if I want to live or visit in Iceland but like I've said, been dying to go for five years. I think this may be my year though.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    I haven't read the whole thread, but in answer to the question. I would not move to a location of temp work. I value stability in my life and hate change. Its just me though haha.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    I would heavily consider relocating for a full time position; not a temporary position. I am already in my ideal place. I grew up here, my friends are all here, and there is a large amount of studios. However, since I do not have a job, I would definitely consider moving to Montreal, Toronto, LA or San Francisco if I had a chance at getting work. Those cities would also be ideal places to live and work for me.

    I do really want to travel around and live different places but it's going to be hard to leave when I already live in such a great place.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    I might suck up to you later ;)

    I'm still undecided if I want to live or visit in Iceland but like I've said, been dying to go for five years. I think this may be my year though.

    We have a guest house that is open for polycounters to visit.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    I'd never say never. There would be a lot of things that would have to line up for us to move though. My wife being the primary bread winner (hello games industry!) it wouldn't make sense for us to move unless she was able to find a similar paying gig.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Not sure if this is thread related, and I'm probably asking too early since i've got one year left in the course before a 2 year compulsory national service :)

    But can anyone offer some insights to cost of living in Canada(e.g toronto vs edmonton vs vancouver)? I know it's a tad bit general, I'm looking into some schools there that I can hopefully afford to go study further if i don't get a job soon enough.

    Also been looking up requirements to get work permits, but can't say i've found anything regarding education requirements. I reckon a diploma might not cut it?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Vrav wrote: »
    Emil, if you are willing to switch to environment work I know from looking at their sites last night that Obsidian and ReadyAtDawn are both hiring in that department, not far from LA.
    Thanks for the heads up, dude. Especially at times like these, beggers can't be choosers. But there are positions for character artists going around, and my folio is entirely character-centric and applying for an environment role would probably do more harm than good :P

    Interesting tidbit though, my first role at a games company was as a Junior Environment Artist and when I left that same studio I was a Senior/Lead Character Artist.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    30 years old. Single. I'm currently unemployed and every month, it seems, a heartbeat away from being on the street.

    I'd move anywhere to pursue my dream, but all my efforts thus far have been for naught.

    I'm not tied down with a spouse or children, so my decision is easier than most. I enjoy travel and new experiences, so I'd welcome a healthy change. That said...I'd probably only move however for a longer term contract gig or one with strong potential of going full-time. I have 2 brothers with whom I live and family near in adjacent states to help and fall back on when things get REAL tough, which I wouldn't have in another location. Living in the parents garage isn't an appealing option at my age, but its better than finishing a contract gig, not getting renewed and then having nowhere to go.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    finishing a contract gig, not getting renewed and then having nowhere to go.

    I know what ya mean, man. Been unemployed for 10 months. Got a contract with Turn10 again, but it's only for 99 days. Luckily that will put me past my 1-yr "benefit" year for unemployment, which means I can re-apply again.
    Hopefully it won't come to that though. I'm crossing my fingers they renew my contract or something.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    crasong wrote: »
    But can anyone offer some insights to cost of living in Canada(e.g toronto vs edmonton vs vancouver)?

    cost of living: toronto about the same as van (expensive), edmonton not as high; night life, same cost and rank.

    But if you're willing to live far from downtown core, you'd be alright in either T.O. or Van. Van has advantage re: sushi, nature, close to the border with U.S./ Seattle, lots of game studios. T.O. is awesome for it's multiculturalness. Hipper; close to NYC. Close to Montreal which has tons more of game/vfx studios.

    Edmonton...if you want to just do serious time at Bio (if EA likes your stuff in the first place) without high expectation about life outside work...go for it (you got no choice but to work anyway especially when it's -40 degrees in winter). Cheaper cost of living for sure but I believe it still ranks number 1 in urban crime. If you don't mind long driving, national parks are about 3-5 hours away.

    I'd first try my luck in your town if I were you. Most outsourcing studios/sweatshops are in Asia and Singapore's in the middle of it! You'd get triple A shipped credits faster than working at either Blizzard or Bungie just by slaving a short time in one of those places..
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Uh, I just quit my first job as a 3d game artist (long story) and it was the only company in the town where I live in. Now I'm going to work on my portfolio for a couple of months and after a friend of mine graduates uni we're thinking of starting our own small company.

    If this doesn't work out, I'm going to have to start looking for work in other cities of Greece, (probably Athens) but right now, I'd rather work from home as a freelancer than relocate.

    I'm open to the possibility of moving, cause it's no life for a human being to live without drinking monies, but it's only a worst case scenario. I like my family and friends and I've been gone for a long time already (4 years in uni abroad and 1 in the army).

    So yeah, like P.I.G. said, I'd rather have a 100% of my life being awesome, but if I have to choose between the 50% where I have my friends and family but no job, and the 50% where I have the money to visit my peeps every few months, I'm gonna go with the relocation option.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    Haha, you nailed it right on the dot about Bioware MagicSugar! Well I'm just a longtime fan, and they're one of my biggest inspirations to work in the games industry, but i digress.

    Yeah, I really hope I can hook into something/anything amongst the few game studios in Singapore. I'm just checkin out other options so that when I'm outta school, I'll have some idea on what to do
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