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Just Cause 2

polycounter lvl 18
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flaagan polycounter lvl 18
Started playin' at lunch, gonna have sooooo much fun with this game! :poly128:

Bit of extra info for people playing, a 'news blog' from a photographer based on the island.


  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    I played the demo for a bit the other day and the mechanics of the game are really solid. Using the grappling hook is a lot of fun, particularly when you snag onto a motorbike and hijack it. I think I would get bored of the full game pretty quickly as it feels altogether too similar to other games (Crackdown, Mercenaries, GTA, Red Faction Guerrilla etc) to have any real novelty. Having said that, it's fun to mess around with for half an hour and I'm surprised that the demo allows you to move around as much as it does.
  • rasmus
    Playing the demo over and over - good stupid fun. Especially loved it when a fellow guerilla member ran over a roadsign and screamed "For the glory of the revolution!" :D
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Demo felt like a cheap knockoff of the games Nick Carver mentioned. I played the first games demo and felt the same. Just a bit uninspired and lackluster in all areas, IMO.
  • sicsided

    Gotta agree that it may get boring after a bit, but I had no interest in this until I heard people talking about the crazy shit you can do with the grappling hook.
  • Progg
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    Progg polycounter lvl 11
    I played the demo as well... it was insanely fun at first and I feel like it has that potential to be something really great at "paving the way" but I have to say... I am really spoiled on multiplayer/co-op. I almost don't even buy a game anymore unless it has one of the two... which is sad, I know. Also, I'm not sure about anyone else but I was playing it on full graphics and I had a migraine after like 35 minutes of playing from all of the depth of field and motion blur lol.

    Still I think this game is very solid and I love sandbox titles a great deal.
  • rasmus
    Yeah, this plus multiplayer / coop = holy hookshot, Batman. But afaik it's SP only :(
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    So how does it work? he's realistically proportioned, the world is pretty realistic, but he can leap 10 meters in the air, and he can use his grappling hook to toss hummers using only a grappling hook? Is there a story that explains his super strength?
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah Ben, it's because he has a just cause for these things. That or... JUST 'CAUSE.
  • crasong
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    crasong polycounter lvl 14
    I really liked that HARD SURFACES trailer though.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    Demo was enjoyable.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I played the demo for a bit the other day and the mechanics of the game are really solid.

    Hmm I have to agree with Scooby...the mechanics/gameplay were pretty awful. Iffy controls too, that didn't respond half the time. The character just felt like a spastic 3d mesh translating through the world rather than a real tangible character...also the shooting is bad...the only thing I liked about the demo was the gas canisters that start flying around like crazy when you shoot them. The demo turned me completely off this.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Keg, that's awesome!
  • skankerzero
    I didn't care much for the controls in the demo.

    Also, i didn't like getting shot at from a mile away when I'm just trying to cruise around with my parachute.
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    I'm still playing the hell out of the demo. gotta buy this game, it's so awesome!
    Congrats to the avalanche guys! (if there are any here)
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    For those complaining about the lack of multiplayer, I am pretty sure someone will mod it into the game like folks did with the grand theft auto series.
  • rasmus
    Hmm I have to agree with Scooby...the mechanics/gameplay were pretty awful. Iffy controls too, that didn't respond half the time. The character just felt like a spastic 3d mesh translating through the world rather than a real tangible character...also the shooting is bad...the only thing I liked about the demo was the gas canisters that start flying around like crazy when you shoot them. The demo turned me completely off this.

    Yeah... but imo these kind of shitty controls are what passes for standard these days, no worse than GTA or a dozen other games out there, where aiming feels like steering a tank for some inexplicable reason nobody cares to address. Atleast in Just Cause 2 the guy automatically shoots directly at enemies that are up close, that was helpful :P
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    rasmus wrote: »
    Yeah... but imo these kind of shitty controls are what passes for standard these days, no worse than GTA or a dozen other games out there, where aiming feels like steering a tank for some inexplicable reason nobody cares to address. Atleast in Just Cause 2 the guy automatically shoots directly at enemies that are up close, that was helpful :P

    I think GTA 4 had some pretty decent shooting mechanics for an open world game, much better than Just Cause 2 imo. The cover system in GTA 4 was also a nice addition, im sure Red Dead Redemption's shooting mechanics will put it to shame though. But anyway, I'm enjoying the demo, the parachuting and grappling hook are both pretty fun, IGN gave the game an 8.9 i believe. I may buy this to tide me over until Red Dead.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Zipping around (literally) blowin shit up..

    I hate to say it, but I wish the game wasn't so big.. I always have to hijack some fast vehicle to get to the next area of utter mayhem. :D
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    So how does it work? he's realistically proportioned, the world is pretty realistic, but he can leap 10 meters in the air, and he can use his grappling hook to toss hummers using only a grappling hook? Is there a story that explains his super strength?

    Amazingly, its a videogame.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Yeah, seriously, it's just crazy awesome. You can jump down a cliff, deploy parachute, grapple towards enemy helicopter in midair, kill the pilots, fly the heli for a while, then parachute out and attach your grappling hook to a vehicle so it tows you, etc...
    It just makes it possible to do all the crazy things you wished you could do in GTA. Couldn't even stand on a driving vehicle in that game...

    I have to agree the shooting in Just Cause demo didn't impress me too much. Maybe i should use the grappling hook more in fights.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Also, using a mounted gatling gun at a guard post... and then picking it up and walking around with it. :D
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    adam wrote: »
    Amazingly, its a videogame.

    Despite that, suspension of disbelief is still an issue when trying to make a cohesive product for mass consumption. I was wondering if this game made any attempt, or just makes you deal with it.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    I for one really liked the "Wow, I can't believe they let you do that in this game" I got when playing the demo.
  • cw
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    cw polycounter lvl 17
    I enjoyed the demo too. reality is sometimes quite dull, so i was glad of the nottiness of it all! :D

    I think I will get it when it comes to UK for PC.
  • Krynn72
    Despite that, suspension of disbelief is still an issue when trying to make a cohesive product for mass consumption. I was wondering if this game made any attempt, or just makes you deal with it.

    The problem is that you're thinking the game is trying to be immersive, but its not. Its all about doing ridiculous things and causing chaos. Nobody will care if its explained or not.

    I sure don't.
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Krynn72 wrote: »
    The problem is that you're thinking the game is trying to be immersive, but its not. Its all about doing ridiculous things and causing chaos. Nobody will care if its explained or not.

    I sure don't.

    That answers my question, thanks.
  • vcool
    The demo freezes for me, and at one point it doesn't even load the level.
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
    So how does it work? he's realistically proportioned, the world is pretty realistic, but he can leap 10 meters in the air, and he can use his grappling hook to toss hummers using only a grappling hook? Is there a story that explains his super strength?

    Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think what he's doing is first attaching the hook to the car, then hooking the other end of the tether to something else, like the bridge, causing the car to crash. Not flipping it by his own strength/mass.

    Like in this demo:

    Not saying it makes it completely realistic, but it might not have been that apparent in the first clip.
  • vcool
    Apparently there's a Lost hatch in the game.

    That makes it two videogames with Lost easter eggs now! :D
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    vcool wrote: »
    Apparently there's a Lost hatch in the game.

    That makes it two videogames with Lost easter eggs now! :D

    And I posted the video for it already in this thread on the first page :P

    also, there's more than 2 games. I know hl2 ep2, WoW both have lost easter eggs and with just cause 2, that's at least 3 and I know there's more than those 3 games
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    just got round to playing the demo of this..
    really enjoyed it, however I was immensely dissapointed that grappling two roadside posts together didnt clothesline passing motorcyclists :(. They just pass through the grapple line
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    lol first time i see game with very realistic graphic, but super cartoony animation/common sense :p!
    look fun
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    I just grapple hooked onto an attack helicopter, shot the guard, broke the pilots neck and stole the chopper, blew up two satellite launching rockets, parachuted down to a hanger, stole a jetplane, blew up another rocket in flight, flew to a military complex, bombed it, got hit by a SAM, managed to point the crashing plane at fuel depot and bailed out at the last minute.

  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome Rick, but what about the game?
  • 00Zero
    i hate the insane amount of blur there is in this game. i feel like im watching through Vaseline smeared goggles.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    00Zero wrote: »
    i hate the insane amount of blur there is in this game. i feel like im watching through Vaseline smeared goggles.

    you can turn motion blur off on the pc version, dunno about the consoles.
  • Krynn72
    I wish there was a place in real life like the Mile High Club.

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    just bought it and played a few hours..

    really enjoying it- pretty blown away by how big the world is, and I've only travelled across 1/3 of it. I somehow get the feeling this is the game they wanted to make with the first one, but now the tech's in the right place and the grappling hook/parachute combo is perfect for zipping around quickly. I didn't quite 'get' it when playing the demo, but when you get accustomed to using those two together you can really batman about the place quick.

    Definately get that sense of 'making your own adventure' that these sort of games try to create.. been a while since I've got into one (fallout 3 I guess, albiet rather less cerebral)

    Loved discovering that mile high club place.. really fun. You see it in the distance and think wtf.. then you start hearing pumping dance music.. and think wtf??

    I will add one small thought: it doesn't bother me too much since I can appreciate the intent of the game, but it seems that you basically play a terrorist.. Destroying various targets for other parties political goals. Causing 'chaos'.. yeah, stick it to the man by destroying some poor villages water tower! Blow up the gas station! (whoops, did a few civilians get caught in the blast?)
    And the game doesn't seem to acknowledge how much of a complete sociopath your guy is.. at least with gta you get a sense that yeah, you really are a bit of a criminal scumbag.
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    You're in Newcastle, surely you already spend enough time feeling like a scumbag.

    Just got the game myself, no voices in the first cutscene then buttons wouldn't work (like opening the parachute....).

    Restarted steam and it's updating the game, so let's hope that fixes the problems.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    rooster wrote: »
    I will add one small thought: it doesn't bother me too much since I can appreciate the intent of the game, but it seems that you basically play a terrorist.. Destroying various targets for other parties political goals. Causing 'chaos'.. yeah, stick it to the man by destroying some poor villages water tower! Blow up the gas station! (whoops, did a few civilians get caught in the blast?)

    I've been joking about liberating the Panuans from their vital infrastructure. You pretty much are rephrensible, but who the fuck cares? This is a wonderful sandbox for creating stunts and action movie moments. It doesn't need social commentary, it doesn't need realism, it doesn't need an immersive plot or anything else. It's a bunch of fun toys with a little bit of structure.

    I've got 11 hours into it right now and I've done 2-3 story missions and 4-5 side missions, and spent most of the rest of the time just fucking around. I tied a stunt plane to a 747 and took off in the 747, dragging the stunt plane behind me. I cleared the tree line, it didn't, it burst into a fireball and swung into my plane, detonating it.

    I've jumped from helicopter to helicopter in midair.

    I've surfed a C130 cargo plane into a military colonel, jumping off at the last second and popping my chute, only to use my hook to yank a sniper out of a tower (slingshotting me forward in the process), dropped a bunch of remote charges on the dudes below me, detonated them, and then grappled onto a new plane in a hangar - never touching the ground.

    I've jumped a motorcycle off a mountain, gone into freefall, and grappled onto a limo I had to hijack, shooting the guards and commandeering the vehicle.

    Like very few games, they managed to make moving through the world incredibly interactive and fun (once you learn how to grapplechute along and fly up and over things, scale buildings, etc, with the parachute and hook, it becomes absolutely wonderful), and they've given you an absolutely massive playground with which to enjoy it. Everything else is secondary and that is totally fine.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Finding the Mile High Club was one of the best things I've experienced in a game in a very long time. Saw it in the distance, jacked a Sukhoi and flew over. When I got nearer, I expected it to be some badass weaponised airship, and fell off my chair when I heard the music and got on to realise it was an elite dance club. AWESOME.

    I'm also finding the world very pretty to look at when flying about like an idiot. Nice atmosphere effects, fluffy clouds, lots of weather changes. So far I've got over 9 hours of game time in, and only done the required story missions (up to rescuing the drunk dude from the casino). The rest of the time has been just fucking around, blowing shit up, and exploring.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Mother fucking beached whale


    so many jokes in this game. the mile high club is awesome
  • 00Zero
    necropost, i know. buuuuuut....

    i just got the game from steam. Every time i run it, after 10 seconds, the game freezes. anybody have any similar issues? drivers are all up to date, this is the only game thats doing it. it says it should work with windows 7 (x64). google search is not helping at all since 90% of the results are for torrents and key generators. and the steam forums arent much of a help since 90% of those are fanboys gushing over how great it is, and that makes me even more pissed because i cant play it. so i basically wasted 50 dollars. i wonder if steam has a return policy ;)
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    i bought mine off steam, and run windows 7 x64 - never any problems. sucks bro.
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