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Female Character WIP

Update: Oh what a long strange trip this has been.

Here is the short of it; I started this 6 months ago, I got better.

Where it is now.

Where it started, it is figuratively a piece of shit.

I've been working on a female anatomical sculpt for a while, but I've decided I'm going to turn it into a full blown character. I usually can walk away from a piece and come back to see all the problems that I've missed, but it's been a few days and I'm at the point where it looks alright to me. But before I go onto surface detailing, I figured I'd get some outside eyes on it to see what I'm overlooking. The hands and feet are still rough, I usually fix those up at the detailing phase.



And I asked this at GA, but do people think turn tables are a good way too showcase a model? I like how you can make out the form, but it can be a little vague and disorienting. Thoughts?

Thanks in advance.


  • Spatz
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    Spatz polycounter lvl 13
    for me the body needs more work ...the back is looking more like a male at the moment...

    but the face is nice ...i like the paintover...only critique watch out the area under the nose...the noseholes are sticking a bit out ...
  • Eric Chadwick
    Not sure if it's intentional, but she looks "boyish" and a bit like either a 14 yr old girl or a malnourished 20 yr old. Depends on what you're going for I guess.

    Turnaround is helpful I think, lets me see all angles.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 12
    No offense, but at the moment this "female" character looks like a male with breasts...and no penis. The face, hands, and rest of the body come across as being more masculine than feminine. I recommend you use reference of some kind if you need help with the human figure.

    Besides the masculine-feminine issues, your proportions are good from the neck-down. The head seems a little big. How old is this character supposed to be?
  • System
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    System admin
    You have some nice modelling skills :) Agree on the comments here: the model looks generically male apart from the breasts and lack of penis, however, I think this is mainly attributle to facial features.

    Here's a paintover to emphasize the facial area which also includes the shoulder and neck, it's not perfect but might help a little...
  • Titus S
    If you can afford it...



    This shit is awesome for any 3d modeler. You can still use the thumbnail to get an idea of the proper anatomy. At least so you know how NOT to make your women look like men.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    I disagree with Shad0wForce and GCMP. The face in particular is pretty realistic, its just not steriotypical and styalized like most female faces we see around here. The body has elements that look like a 35+ year old (would suit the face) but the breasts are too perky for the overall form. Also the slope of the shoulders is pretty ugly though and I can't help feeling they are a little narrow. There are a lot of different body types out there and your anatomy looks plauseable, just not attractive. If thats your goal (I would like to see that more often) then tweak the breasts to make them a little larger and sag more and maybe sort out the sloping shoulders (somewhat masculine as they are) and maybe broaden them a little.
  • zenarion
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    zenarion polycounter lvl 17
    I must agree with Xaltar here, about the shoulders. And everything else as well. Good job on a different type of lady.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, it looks like a female to me, I wouldn't change too much unless you want to go for the super feminine look. I mean, the facial proportions seem a little long, but it doesn't bother me too much. Although it actually kind of freaks me out, because the face with that hair on it looks like my mom did when she was younger, so...er...yeah.

    Also do you plan on resolving the feet? It seems like they're a little formless, If you plan on putting shoes on her I probably wouldn't bother, because the general shape looks right and shoes distort feet anyway.

    Also has far as turn table stuff goes, it seems okay, I like them because you can see the light move across the form, however for better criticism I think you should still post up basic shots and angles as well.
  • gammaslam
    I think it looks fine. You should probably post some reference images to make people happy people.
  • The Boss
    Holy shit that was a lot of crits to work through, first off thanks a ton to everyone for the help. And now after a couple days, time to post how it got put to use.

    I suppose I should start off by addressing the "IT'S A TRANNY, IT'S A TRANNY!" comments. Definitely the biggest culprit was the pelvis being too wide in the front and too narrow on the sides. So after some extensive research (ie. pictures of vaginas) I hope that area became a little less gender confused. The other thing that was kind of weird was just the whole way the weight of the lower half compared to the upper half. I fattened her hips and thighs up a bit, so hopefully everything balaces nicer.

    As for the face, Eric was right that this is supposed to be tom boyish, which I suppose is the reason some people throw up red flags as it looking male. But do remember that masculine qualities are not exclusive to males. Women can have prominent chins and big noses too, which makes it hard for me to tell if what some of you are saying is "this is anatomically incorrect" or "this is not the the feminine ideal". I appreciate all the comments, but if all characters had perfect features, well that'd be pretty boring.

    All that being said, I did reshape it to be less rectangular and I softened the chin slightly, I'll post a close up later when it's further along.

    TL: DR version. Vaginas.

    Removed for bandwidth

    And for more specific comments. And again, thanks to everyone for the comments.

    Spatz: Thanks, I went back and fixed the nose issue, hopefully I'll have a close up soon.
    Shad0wForce: Somewhere between 15 and 45
    Titus S: I appreciate the comment, but I try to not use other artists interpretation of anatomy as reference unless my intent is to replicate their work.
    Xaltar: I actually shrunk the boobs, so maybe that helps. And I'm curious, what does the age look to you now?
    Neo_God: There is a joke to be made about your mother, but I'm not touching it. And feet and hands are still rough, they are next if people think I've resolved the core body issues.
    gammaslam: I wish I had just a few, but I have hundreds of megabytes of references that I've been sifting through. Probably part of the problem is that she is an amalgamation of hundreds of different people.

    Now keep it coming, Can always use new eyes to tell me all the ways that I suck.
  • Electro
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    Electro polycounter lvl 19
    She looks really young now. Hips haven't grown out yet, boobs neither.

    The skull shape is really throwing me off.

    Good progress overall.
  • rumblesushi
    For some reason, with the hair, she looks even more like a man. It's actually the face that makes me think more man than the body. The body is pretty straight up and down, but some women are, and lack curves, but there is something about the back of the legs and the shape of the back, that seem quite manly. The shoulders and the shape of the buttocks look like that of a woman though.

    And the face, with or without hair, honestly looks like a man to me, a man with a fairly "soft" face, but still a man.

    If you're going for a somewhat androgynous character, it's great, but if I just saw a head shot with no info, I would think man for sure.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Lots of women have extremely manly faces in reality. Generally we don't notice because we're busy looking at stereotypically feminine things like long hair and the style of clothing. Voice is a big distractor too.

    I think if the purpose is to make a realistic everyday female then the face is pretty good now that the jawline is less square.

    That said, the hips are still too thin. They just look totally squashed at the top. Also the upper arms are too short and lower arms too long.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    put long eyelashes on her, that can make anything girly.
  • Spatz
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    Spatz polycounter lvl 13
    Forget THIS:
    GCMP wrote: »
    Here's a paintover to emphasize the facial area which also includes the shoulder and neck, it's not perfect but might help a little...

    GCMP...are you kidding... :poly132:

    the left picture looks like a real person - give her textures and she is great...
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    GCMP is right , the paintover is heading in the right direction.
    widen her hips, give more shape to her calves, thin the ankles slightly. narrow the waist slightly.
    women are curvey and even androgynous fems still have more feminine attributes than male

    the feet seem really flat like flippers.

    The head needs a lot of work, it just looks like 'vaguely' feminine male popstar like phil oakey from the human league

    sorry to be harsh . the model does have soem nice bits in and you can obviously model
  • Rens
    Hey boss,

    maybe this helps, the individual parts are not bad, but the overal is off, making it weird.

    What you can try is go back to a low sub level and grab the move tool, start pulling out the shoulders, the iliac crest? seems low, get the back of the head fixed, things like that.
    Do this in an exaturating way so you step out of your zone,
    then when you look back at what you have now, you'll go .. awww why didnt i see that!
  • Freidenker
    Spatz wrote: »
    Forget THIS:

    GCMP...are you kidding... :poly132:

    the left picture looks like a real person - give her textures and she is great...

    I agree. The paintover is far to manga-ish imo. I guess what makes it appear male for the most poeple here are the quiet big nostrils and maybe also the short hair ;-)
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
    Here's an interesting link: http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_II/Psychologie/Psy_II/beautycheck/english/index.htm

    I'd say keep it close to what you have but make the neck thinner.
  • Celes
    Yes, some women have more of manly body. But by the look of this one (esp the shape of butt, thigh, shoulders), she looks like somebody who is naturally slim and does not work out. thus should have a but of slight flabbiness going on belly and butt.
    ... or you can go the other end of spectrum and tone her up like a boyish athlete.
  • TolenX
    I feel as though the back of the skull is a bit small. Other than that I think what you have is pretty anatomically accurate as far as I can tell and I'm really digging the simple female features. The face has feminine style to it, she wouldn't stop traffic, but I definitely see a woman.
  • MegaMoogle
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    MegaMoogle polycounter lvl 9
    I'm all for non-cookie cutter female characters. But I do agree that since this is a woman, you need to give her more feminine features. You don't necessarily have to go to the extreme that GCMP shows, but slimming down the neck and nose would help tremendously. Right now she looks very masculine, and honestly I wouldn't have known she was a woman if you didn't have the full body turn table.
  • rumblesushi
    acc wrote: »
    Lots of women have extremely manly faces in reality. Generally we don't notice because we're busy looking at stereotypically feminine things like long hair and the style of clothing. Voice is a big distractor too.

    I think if the purpose is to make a realistic everyday female then the face is pretty good now that the jawline is less square.

    That said, the hips are still too thin. They just look totally squashed at the top. Also the upper arms are too short and lower arms too long.

    I disagree. I live in Brighton, England, not only are there lots of hippyish, studenty types with no make up etc, there are lots of lesbians. I see non typical girls everyday, you can still tell they are girls, even those with short hair and no make up and boyish clothes.

    The odd lesbo you see, with short hair and no make up and seriously can't tell whether they are a man or a woman, they are the exception.

    By the way, I'm someone who appreciates non typical girly girl types, I hate too much make up, I am strongly opposed to fake tits, I don't mind short hair on girls, and I also quite like girls just wearing jeans and a tshirt etc. But the facial structure on this model is more masculine than feminine. Don't get me wrong, it's a good model, but incredibly androgynous, with the face in particular veering more towards masculine than feminine.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Take the crits about the face seriously. It looks very masculine. GCMP's paintover is beyond ridiculous, but that comes from inexperience as an artist, not from having a bad eye -- he's got a point that this is beyond suspension of disbeleif level of masculinity.

    Additionally, something is seriously awkward and un-feminine about the ribcage and shoulders. Everything seems very squared and non-gestural and masculine. Neck is huge, back is boxy. Even extremely tomboyish women are still artistically beautiful things, full of gesture lines and curves -> http://mikeresponts.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/kimcouture1.jpg

    all that aside, the details of the anatomy and execution of the sculpt are fantastic. I would love to see this shape up into something amazing, just remember that realistic does not mean boring
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I disagree. I live in Brighton, England, not only are there lots of hippyish, studenty types with no make up etc, there are lots of lesbians. I see non typical girls everyday, you can still tell they are girls, even those with short hair and no make up and boyish clothes.

    rumbleshushi: While I agree with you that its definitely cool to push the individuality of a character to make it look realistic, But... I think you have missed the point here. I could be wrong, but it seems that The Boss is trying to LEARN female anatomy by doing this character. Not push the boundaries of what is accepted in society, or even trying to make something incredibly unique.

    I believe when the goal is to learn something, in this case Female anatomy. Then you should really push that as far as you can, but also stay within the realm of what is believable. The crits here are very valid, and while GCMP's paintover doesn't make it look more realistic, he does attempt to illustrate how to push the character to look more feminine.

    Simply put, when your learning something you don't want to have the attitude, "That's the way I want it to look". The most important thing of being an artist is to identify a problem, and understand how to fix it. So even if The Boss wanted to go for a more non-conventional female, trying to make it look more feminine for practice sake, is likely the best thing he can do.

    Anyways, I like the point Rens made about individual parts being good, but all together it is off. All I can suggest beyond what was already mentioned is, keep playing with the anatomy and get lots of references. 3d sk is really good for this. You seem to have a really good handle on sculpting in general so I can't wait to see where you take this. :)
  • The Boss
    I am taking all criticisms seriously SupRore, just taking my time in deciding where to go with them. Trust me, if I just wanted people to tell me how great I am, I'd post on DeviantArt or some none-sense like that. I'm trying to avoid overdoing any fixes if all it does is give her a look I never intended, though.

    I've done a lot of work on the body since my last update, but it seems most of the discussion is on the face at this point, so I'll update that first. Again, I'm trying to keep a more masculine feel to the features, so sorry if it's not to the extent that some of you were suggesting. But I did try to soften them slightly so it more clearly reads female.

    The biggest difference is actually just changing the expression of the brow. My reference for the eyes had a very serious look to them, so hopefully this softens it up a bit. The other big things is just the shape of the skull and jaw, keep in mind bald women have varying degrees of oblong-ness to their skull, so bear with me. I didn't do a paintover, because honestly it should read without everything on top of it.

    So a small update, but does it seem better to anyone?


    ivars: thanks for the link, it went right into the bookmarks.

    And thanks for all the comments everyone. I am trying to put them to use, so keep them coming.
  • rumblesushi
    rumbleshushi: While I agree with you that its definitely cool to push the individuality of a character to make it look realistic, But... I think you have missed the point here. I could be wrong, but it seems that The Boss is trying to LEARN female anatomy by doing this character. Not push the boundaries of what is accepted in society, or even trying to make something incredibly unique.

    I believe when the goal is to learn something, in this case Female anatomy. Then you should really push that as far as you can, but also stay within the realm of what is believable. The crits here are very valid, and while GCMP's paintover doesn't make it look more realistic, he does attempt to illustrate how to push the character to look more feminine.

    Simply put, when your learning something you don't want to have the attitude, "That's the way I want it to look". The most important thing of being an artist is to identify a problem, and understand how to fix it. So even if The Boss wanted to go for a more non-conventional female, trying to make it look more feminine for practice sake, is likely the best thing he can do.

    Anyways, I like the point Rens made about individual parts being good, but all together it is off. All I can suggest beyond what was already mentioned is, keep playing with the anatomy and get lots of references. 3d sk is really good for this. You seem to have a really good handle on sculpting in general so I can't wait to see where you take this. :)

    Brad, I think you might have slightly misinterpreted my post ;)

    I was disagreeing with acc's opinion that the model looks like a woman, on the grounds that many women have masculine faces.

    I don't think many women do have masculine faces.

    My point was, I see girls everyday that are very non typical, but they still very much look like women, a woman's facial structure is different from a man's, and you can almost always tell them apart, make up or no make up etc :)
  • MegaMoogle
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    MegaMoogle polycounter lvl 9
    I feel that trying to practice female anatomy by modeling a masculine woman is counter productive. You can do one of each, but you cannot practice both simultaneously. I suggest choosing one or the other, because as she is right now, she only vaguely resembles typical female anatomy.
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    It works for me. Contrary to Rumblesushi, I often see people of whom I can't quite tell the gender. Breasts or beard grow are a godsend sometimes! Don't forget that, along with hair and make-up, the smoothness of the skin also plays a large role that can't be shown on a model like this.

    That said, I can imagine that you want to cement the femininity. I made you a paintover, but I'm fairly notorious for making lousy paintovers and for having shoddy anatomy, so whatever.

  • Orb
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    Orb polycounter lvl 13
    i like the natural of your model, but i perfectly agree with Zwebbie and his paintover, wich is almost perfect to me, good shapes, specially on the jaw part.
  • Sandro
    Soften jaws and chin, make neck thinner and you're good to go :) I actually like slightly elongated face, gives her character

  • rumblesushi
    Zwebbie wrote: »
    It works for me. Contrary to Rumblesushi, I often see people of whom I can't quite tell the gender. Breasts or beard grow are a godsend sometimes! Don't forget that, along with hair and make-up, the smoothness of the skin also plays a large role that can't be shown on a model like this.

    That said, I can imagine that you want to cement the femininity. I made you a paintover, but I'm fairly notorious for making lousy paintovers and for having shoddy anatomy, so whatever.


    Just with this paintover, the jaw, cheekbones, eye and mouth areas make this model look like a woman, rather than a man. That's a dramatic difference.
  • The Boss
    Thanks for the paintovers, I tweaked the neck, cheeks and jaw accordingly. I'm relatively content with it, which is not always a good things but eh.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Paintover. Mainly throwing this in to offer a fresh set of eyes, not necessarily saying you should make every change, just offer some alternative ideas

  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    pay attention to lips too, there are three parts on the upper lips and two parts on the lower lip, accentuate and have fun
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    I think the paintover with the hair in your initial post is instantly recognizable as a female even if i agree that the neck looks abit wide. Zwebbies paintover looks good but its not a necessary direction unless you want to make her prettier :o Anyway thumbs up from me i think it will be an interesting character when its all done with textures and such.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I'm not about to start critiquing whether or not I think your character looks like a female... cause I think either way you go with this is fine. (Whether you keep her this way, and make people think, hmm! look at this a-typical female model... or you make it more feminine, and people say, hmm, she's hawt!)

    But am I the ONLY one that thinks, with the hair paintover, she looks almost exactly like the Heavy Rain chick?? http://talkplaystation.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/heavy-rain_07-08-08_01.jpg (not a bad thing though!) Who, IMO, also has a bit of that masculine appeal to her, even though she's pretty noticeably female.
  • System
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    System admin
    SupRore wrote: »
    Take the crits about the face seriously. It looks very masculine. GCMP's paintover is beyond ridiculous, but that comes from inexperience as an artist, not from having a bad eye

    Your babbling, incoherent double standards come from a lack of 19 years of experience, maybe you will learn :poly124:

    Seriously though, lighten up and don't hate on people who are trying to help :icon60:


    Anyway, as someone said all I was trying to do was illuminate the fact that one version looked male and one version looked female. Of course it's always up to the artist how far you take things and it looks like this is heading in a more female direction.
    I am looking forward to seeing some textures!
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Looks great, a few of the volumes could do with some smoothing (the latissimus dorsi is kinda bumpy and the way the glutes run into the upper leg looks a little straight and flat. Also her deltoids are very flat looking.

    A little bit of fat on her lower belly might help aswell.
    A really minor nitpick would be about her boobs. Id make them overlap the chest more rather than sprouting out of it. even relatively small boobs dont just stick out like cones from the ribcage.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I think overall the point about looking male or female is a bit distracting, it just looks a bit off to me.
    I think you need to look at the shape of the legs and the silhouette of the torso
    I would day it about 60 percent looking good right now and you could push it a bit more.
    The sculpting and modeling technique is nice though

    I think the latest head with a texture would pass for female, albeit a slightly masculine one.
  • The Boss
    I am reading people posts and I do appreciate them. Sorry if I'm not responding to each one individually, there is a lot of overlap in comments (which means I know that there is a problem, not that I'm ignoring it).

    I got a bit of time to work last night and made some sweeping changes to a few areas based on peoples critiques. Some areas are still more done then others, but hopefully it's moving in the right direction. And sorry if it seems this is moving slowly, I'm not one to jump to the next stage if I'm not done with what I have. In other words, tweak tweak tweak tweak tweak.


    Again, thanks for the all help, I am trying to use it all to some degree.

    garriola83: noted and addressed, thanks.
    r_fletch_r: I didn't see your post till this morning, but hopefully some of those areas look better now, if not I'll get them on the next pass.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    It's getting better. I did a little paintover though. I think the head is a bit big in relation to the body on yours.
    I lowered the breasts a little and made the neck a little thinner
  • The Boss
    Actually if anything the head is a touch too small. I went and checked her proportions in ZBrush and it's about 7.8 heads. I'm trying to avoid the cartoony small head proportions you see in so many video games.

    But I'll definitely check out the other things you mentioned as well, thanks.

  • Slaught
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    Slaught polycounter lvl 18
    I really like this. :)
    But even for a skinny chick she seems a little too thin in the profle.
    Maybe buff up the chest and butt a little.

  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    nice changes, dude, starting to look really sharp all around.
  • Willow67
    Right now the thickness of the neck is right, in my opinion. I don't think there's a need to lower the breasts so much (Like Ruz suggested), because they are small. But I do agree that the distance between her nipple and chin line needs to be greater. But that could easily be solved by bringing up the shoulder area while decresing the length of the neck. Also, I think Ruz's suggested size of the waist is slightly ridiculous, sorry. But that's what a woman would look like if she was wearing a corset. I think what you have now is much more natural.

    I think what slaught is demonstranting is perfect. I second his suggesting to make her a bit thicker from the side. From the front she looks quite nice. And I think thickening her up like that would improve her stance since right now she looks flat.

    I think what's making her neck/head look big is that her shoulders are kind of smallish. She looks a little too delicate on the top.
  • The Boss
    Good news everyone! I have an update six months in the making.

    You can go look at the first page to see where it started. Six months ago I thought that was good, now I'm embarrassed by it.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I feel like the top part of her torso and the bottom part doesn't match up. Like she's skinny but still has a wide waist.. I can't really put my finger on it..

    I hope you continue to work on this, add some normal clothes make her feel even more real.

    I really love this paint-over, I like this face, it feels so human.
    http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/7710/elface.jpg (the pic further up)

    something that would fit into Heavy Rain or something. I like where you are going go back a few subdivisions and just work the general shape to get the proportions right,
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