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Zbrush 3.5 Brushes.

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
First, let me say how cool the guys at Pixologic are. They sent me a special build of the program to work with non SSE2 cpu's so I can still use it until I can get a new machine.


Where the hell do I find a listing of how all the new brushes in 3.5 work and samples? The descriptions on most of them leave me to just testing and no idea when I see an effect what its doing. Also, the new options in the brush palette.

The wiki is outdated on Zbrush site.


I'm looking for a webpage please. Not videos.. *What is it with everyone and videos these days? I can get the info I need much quicker most time than listening to a lecture, and easily bookmark what I need.


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