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The Circus l Free Game Under Development

With unity game engine, javascript and c#, I already started programming a simple third person game, and named as "The Circus", this is a temporary name, I'm still not finished it, the game, is still under development, on the verge of finishing the first stage, it is a single mode playing, it consist of circus arena and the clown, the clown is rolling a heavy wired ball, his goal is roll the ball toward the middle of the arena(the 8-sided primitive), when ball touch this primitive, some smoke emit from it, and player gain 3 points, another goal is breaking the highscore (Highscore now 9 points) I'm sure that the first thing is not good in the game, the quality of graphics, it is obvious that the quality of the graphics so, because I, even now, I work alone, without a graphics designer, I used some free graphics resources from other sites, like the model of clown, it was ready biped model downloaded from turbosquid, I used some motion captures for clown walking, pushing animations from this blog

Game control:

W : move forward
S : move back
D : rotate right
A : rotate left


game blog:

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